Lateral 3 kV AlN SBDs on Bulk AlN Substrates By MOCVD

A new technical paper titled "3 kV AlN Schottky Barrier Diodes on Bulk AlN Substrates by MOCVD" was published by researchers at Arizona State University. Abstract "This letter reports the first demonstration of AlN Schottky diodes on bulk AlN substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor phase deposition (MOCVD) with breakdown voltages exceeding 3 kV. The devices exhibited good rectifying char... » read more

SiC Growth For EVs Is Stressing Manufacturing

The electrification of vehicles is fueling demand for silicon carbide power ICs, but it also is creating challenges in finding and identifying defects in those chips. Coinciding with this is a growing awareness about just how immature SiC technology is and how much work still needs to be done — and how quickly that has to happen. Automakers are pushing heavily into electric vehicles, and t... » read more

Ramping Up Power Electronics For EVs

The rapid acceleration of the power devices used in electric vehicles (EVs) is challenging chipmakers to adequately screen the ICs that power these vehicles.[1] While progress toward autonomous driving is grabbing the public’s attention, the electrification of transportation systems is progressing quietly. For the automotive industry, this shift involves a mix of electronic components. Amo... » read more

High Voltage Testing Races Ahead

Voltage requirements are increasing, especially for the EV market. Even devices that might be considered relatively low voltage, such as display drivers, are now pushing past established baselines. While working with high voltages is nothing new — many engineers can recall yellow caution tape in their workplaces — the sheer number and variety of new requirements have made testing at high... » read more

High-Voltage, High-Current Electrical Switching Discharge Synthesis of ZnO Nanorods: A New Method toward Rapid and Highly Tunable Synthesis of Oxide Semiconductors in Open Air and Water for Optoelectronic Applications

Abstract: "A novel method of oxide semiconductor nanoparticle synthesis is proposed based on high-voltage, high-current electrical switching discharge (HVHC-ESD). Through a subsecond discharge in the HVHC-ESD method, we successfully synthesized zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods. Crystallography and optical and electrical analyses approve the high crystal-quality and outstanding optoelectronic charac... » read more

Development Of High Voltage General-Purpose Pin-Electronics

Currently, there is a demand in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) to test both high-speed/low-voltage amplitude devices manufactured in advanced processes and low-speed / high-voltage amplitude devices manufactured in legacy processes by a pin-electronics equipment. However, it is difficult to achieve both the operating speed over than 1Gbps and the wide I/O range over than 10Vpp, due to the trade... » read more