10 Years Later—Will Project Delays Stop Faster Technology Innovation?

Every January I enjoy looking back 10 years to learn from the past, consider implications for the future, and have fun picking the worst prediction that did not come true. This year I even can combine my annual trip to the garage where I keep some January issues of IEEE Spectrum with reviewing my own blogging. Five years ago in 2009, I did my first “10-year-lookback” that I called “Bac... » read more

Community, Collaboration And Standards

EDA tools/methodologies and semiconductor IP creation are strongly driven by standards. Dating back to the 1980s, standards have helped shape electronic design industry – from the way we design silicon to the way we do business. Indeed, [getentity id="22024" comment="Accellera"] was formed from a merger of two leading standards bodies in the early 1990s, [getentity id="22025" comment="VHDL In... » read more

The Problem With EDA Standards

In the EDA industry, does standard mean the same as it does in most industries? The Free Dictionary defines it as: Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely recognized or employed, especially because of its excellence. In the EDA industry, a standards body is the place where EDA companies and customers come together to try and bring about convergence, often in a new or emerging... » read more

Blog Review: Oct. 23

It was a good week for good questions. Cadence’s Brian Fuller asks what applications dream about—or rather what’s their potential. In the context of technology development, that’s worth pondering. Mentor’s Mike Jensen asks what will you be remembered for. There are a couple other important addendums to that, such as how long you will be remembered. And perhaps even more important, ... » read more

IP-XACT Becoming More Useful

Accellera created analog/mixed signal extensions to the IEEE IP-XACT standard, and the standards group will recommend an update to the overall standard later this year to make it more useful for IP integration. IP-XACT has been considered a great idea since its introduction in 2009 because it allows IP makers to add metadata to their IP—information needed to integrate it into complex desig... » read more

More Intelligent Standards

There is a lot of talk these days about holistic power intent. The terminology may sound new, but the underpinnings are not. This was the idea behind the Common Power Format, which was proposed by Cadence back in 2006, and the Unified Power Format (more recently known as IEEE 1801), which was introduced the following year. These ideas were forward-looking at the time. They grasped the growi... » read more

A Brief History Of Power Formats

Barry Pangrle A lot has happened in the industry in the way of power format standards over the past seven years. I’m going to attempt to hit on some of the highlights over that time period, especially with regards to the “Big 3” EDA vendors to hopefully put it all into better context for our readers. Early on, circa 2005, Mentor Graphics was working on a power format referred to as th... » read more

Cell Phone Radiation: Taboo Topic, Interesting Science

Amid a growing consumer concern for possible health issues associated with radiation, more attention is being paid to what’s being generated by mobile devices—particularly the ones we hold next to our brains. Legislation has been introduced in some parts of the country, with varying success, aimed mainly at informing consumers about the potential risks and giving suggestions for reducing ex... » read more

Low-Power Standards Watch: Ethernet

By Colleen Taylor With a job that can legitimately count "the inherent constraints of quantum physics" as a major cause of workplace stress, engineers in the semiconductor industry have never exactly had it easy. But as policymakers focused on curbing emissions impose increasingly strict regulations on the power consumption of consumer electronic devices, a host of new challenges have emerged ... » read more

Meeting The Challenge Of Verification In Low-Power Designs

By Cheryl Ajluni Over the years, new techniques, technologies and design tools have been brought to market with the explicit intent of simplifying design verification. Despite these efforts verification still manages to consume a huge chunk of the time spent during design. By some accounts that number tops 70%. The problem is that verification is hard, and it certainly doesn’t get an easi... » read more

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