Why Shift Left?

As every integrated circuit (IC) design company knows, the faster a design can progress from implementation to signoff verification, the better the chances are of meeting tapeout schedules. Meeting tapeout schedules improves a company’s chances of reaching their market targets. But as companies create larger and more complex ICs and move to advanced process nodes, the challenge of achieving t... » read more

Low-Power IC Design Without Compromise

In the process of creating ICs, the digital implementation stage is focused on meeting the performance, power, and area (PPA) targets defined for the design. Traditionally, when talking about PPA metrics, “performance” has been the primary focus, with power and area recovered where possible, after meeting timing. But as designs have moved to smaller, more advanced process nodes, and as s... » read more

Beyond Human Reach: Meeting Design Targets Faster With AI-Driven Optimization

The implementation flow for semiconductor devices is all about optimizing for power, performance, area (PPA), or some combination of these attributes. The history of this flow in electronic design automation (EDA) tools is all about adding more automation, tightening iterative loops, and reducing the number of iterations. The goal is converging to the PPA targets faster while using fewer resour... » read more

Fusing Implementation And Verification

Susantha Wijesekara, senior application engineer at Synopsys, drills down into how to re-use Tcl scripts for static verification, what needs to be done with those scripts to make that possible, why that is critical to “shift left,” and how that approach saves time, money, and improves quality. » read more