The Interconnected Web Of Power

Tradeoffs between area and timing used to follow fairly simple rules. You could improve timing by adding area, and occasionally find an architectural solution that would decrease both at the same time. With physical synthesis the relationship became a little more complicated because an increase in area, say to make a drive larger or add another buffer, might upset the layout. That, in turn, cou... » read more

Automotive Drives Novel IP Demands

In the past the automotive industry was a bit sleepy when it came to technologic innovations. Clearly, this is no longer the case. The automotive segment is now driving interesting capabilities and an unprecedented level of creativity by the IP and SoC engineering teams targeting this now-dynamic sector. Historically, electronics for automotive was very different from those aimed at consumer... » read more

One-To-Many: Shifting Left, Adding Gears

[getperson id="11034" comment="Aart de Geus"], chairman and co-CEO of [getentity id="22035" e_name="Synopsys"], launched into high gear for his keynote talk at this year’s Design and Verification Conference (DVCon). The gathering attracted a record number of attendees, and it is estimated that about 350 people crammed into the room to listen to him talk about the shift left that is happening ... » read more

HDMI 2.0 Design And Verification Challenges

High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is an audio/video (A/V) trans- mission protocol, which is omnipresent in consumer electronics, personal computing, and mobile products. Modern-day requirements of big screen resolutions, 3D, and multi-channel/multi-stream audio have pushed display devices to use a completely digital, high-speed transmission media, requiring a multi-layered protocol li... » read more

IP Market Booms At Advanced Nodes

As [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"] design and manufacturing costs rise, system OEMs are wringing as much of that increase as they can from ASIC vendors. The result is that engineering teams on the design and test side are being constrained by budgets at a time when complexity is rising and time-to-market pressures are increasing. At least one segment is benefiting from directly this. Budgetary... » read more

Reliability Definition Is Changing

Since the invention of the integrated circuit, reliability has been defined by how long a chip continues to work. It either turned on and did what it was designed to do, or it didn't. But that definition is no longer so black-and-white. Parts of an SoC, or even an IP or memory block, can continue to function while other parts do not. Some may work intermittently, or at lower speeds. Others may ... » read more

FD-SOI Meets The IoT

Silicon-on-insulator manufacturing technology has been discussed for many years. IBM has used the partially depleted variation of SOI in its server products, but the fully depleted version has yet to find widespread adoption outside of mil/aero and automotive markets. That may change soon as applications in the Internet of Things ramp, given the requirements for ultra low power and low cost.... » read more

The Week In Review: Design/IoT

Mergers/Acquisitions Lattice Semiconductor agreed to pay $600 million for Silicon Image, which makes connectivity solutions for high-definition content for mobile and consumer electronics. Lattice already makes programmable connectivity solutions, so the combined IP portfolio is expected to strengthen its position in wired and wireless markets. Tools Cadence expanded the tool portfolio it ... » read more

Week 34: January 23, A Perfect Friday

Designer and IP track submissions are up 27% compared to 2014. This is an amazing success and we have to thank all the designer track and IP track subcommittee members for getting the word out and motivating their industry peers to submit in such numbers. Tallying it up, it appears we received the most submissions since we started the designer track back in 2010 (we called it the user track bac... » read more

IP MarketPlace – Act I

We did our first webinar for IP MarketPlace last week. Because there is such a vibrant roadmap for this rich IP exploration environment, I felt like this was merely the first act of a multi-part production. We kept our event to 30 minutes, which has been a hallmark of all our webinars. We began with a review of what IP MarketPlace is, how it works, and why it’s useful. We then proceeded to a ... » read more

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