Thermal Is Still Simmering

With the ever increasing sophistication in today’s high-performance [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"]s on top of sheer physics of device manufacturing, thermal is a much bigger concern than ever before. It is well understood that thermal and power are closely related, and there exists a vicious cycle between leakage power and temperature: leakage goes up, temperature goes up; temperature goes ... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

Tools Cadence rolled out a custom power integrity tool for dealing with transistor-level electromigration and IR drop with SPICE-level accuracy. It works in conjunction with the company’s existing power integrity tool for cell-level power signoff. Open-Silicon established a high-speed SerDes technology center of excellence to speed design and production of ASICs using high-speed serial co... » read more

Changing The Meaning Of Sign-Off

Chip development teams are faced with an ever-increasing number of power integrity and reliability challenges these days, especially as designs adopt FinFET technology. Even those with the most thorough sign-off checks often encounter unexpected surprises that quickly turn into tape-out hurdles, or worse yet, extensive re-design. The best way to avoid this scenario and ensure a smoother sign-of... » read more

The Week In Review: Oct. 18

By Mark LaPedus & Ed Sperling The problems continue with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. ASML promised to deliver an 80 Watt power source by year’s end. Now, the company said it only will have a 70 Watt source by mid-2014. “We are focusing on reaching the 70 Watts by the middle of next year,” said Peter Wennink, ASML’s CEO, in a conference call to discuss the company’s res... » read more

Bringing Electrical Info To Design’s Forefront

By Ann Steffora Mutschler To reflect the impact on transistors of smaller process nodes and the electrical effects that occur as a result, a shift is underway where the electrical analysis and verification that used to be done when the layout was complete is moving earlier in the design process. The analysis includes parasitic extraction of interconnect and device parasitics, electromigrati... » read more

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