Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: April 30

These new technical papers were recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library. [table id=222 /] Find more technical papers here. » read more

Single-Molecule Transistor Using Quantum Interference

A new technical paper titled "Quantum interference enhances the performance of single-molecule transistors" was published by researchers at Queen Mary University of London, University of Oxford, Lancaster University, and University of Waterloo. Abstract "Quantum effects in nanoscale electronic devices promise to lead to new types of functionality not achievable using classical electronic co... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

MLCommons debuted the latest results for the MLPerf Inference v3.0 and Mobile v3.0 benchmark suites, which measure the performance and power-efficiency of applying a trained machine learning model to new data in data center, edge, and mobile use cases. Overall, MLCommons said the results showed both power efficiency improvements and significant gains in performance in some benchmark tests. Seve... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Nvidia again made its case for acquiring Arm to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). “Arm is a private for-profit business at a crossroads. After acquiring Arm several years ago, SoftBank increased Arm’s headcount, hoping to spur long-term growth in several markets, including data center and personal computer, long dominated by Intel and x86. SoftBank’s investment phase has c... » read more

System Bits: June 25

Supercomputers around the world At last week’s International Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, Germany, the 53rd biannual list of the Top500 of the most powerful computing systems in the world was released. Broken out by countries of installation, China has 219 of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers, compared with 116 in the United States. Ranking by percent of list flops, the ... » read more

Quantum Random Numbers Future-Proof Encryption

It may be a decade or more before quantum computers become common enough that we'll find out whether "post-quantum cryptography" will stand up to genuine quantum computers. In the meantime, some quantum researchers are peeling off specific functions and turning them into products or companies so that it's possible to take advantage of the potential of quantum computers without actually havin... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Deals SoftBank Corp. reached an agreement with Indonesia’s Link Net to work together on Internet of Things technology. Hidebumi Kitahara of SoftBank said in a statement, “The global mobile industry is now entering the 5G era, with IoT becoming the central focal point of innovation. This partnership with Link Net shows our strong commitment to further boost technology innovation in the glob... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 3

Slowing down photonics Researchers at the University of Sydney developed a chip capable of optical data into sound waves, slowing data transfer enough to process the information. While speed is a major bonus with photonic systems, it's not as advantageous when processing data. By turning optical signals into acoustic, data can be briefly stored and managed inside the chip for processing, re... » read more