Addressing The Complex Challenges In Low-Power Design And Verification

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of various complex debug problems faced in low-power design and verification. By using relevant examples it demonstrates how these issues can be either avoided or easily solved. We will also highlight some of the common pitfalls that low-power designers can avoid, which otherwise can lead to complex low-power issues that are difficult to debug at lat... » read more

Dealing With System-Level Power

Analyzing and managing power at the system level is becoming more difficult and more important—and slow to catch on. There are several reasons for this. First, design automation tools have lagged behind an understanding of what needs to be done. Second, modeling languages and standards are still in flux, and what exists today is considered inadequate. And third, while system-level power ha... » read more

Performance To The People

Ever since the IoT became a household term, the almost universal concept was that extremely low-power, simplistic devices would rule the edge. They would collect data, send it to the cloud, and the cloud would send back useful information. That's a great marketing concept for gateways and cloud services, but it's not scalable. Consumers don't just want to know when their heartbeat is irregul... » read more

Tech Talk: ADAS

Arvind Vel, director of applications engineering at ANSYS, talks about the transition to self-driving cars and what will be required in future system designs. » read more

Verification Unification

Semiconductor Engineering brought together industry luminaries to initiate the discussion about the role that formal technologies will play with the recently released early adopter's draft of Portable Stimulus and how it may help to bring the two execution technologies closer together. Participating in this roundtable are Joe Hupcey, verification product technologist for [getentity id="22017" e... » read more

Tech Talk: 7nm Power

Annapoorna Krishnaswamy, lead applications engineer at ANSYS, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about power-related changes at 7nm and what engineering teams need to watch out for as they move down to the latest process technology. » read more

Modeling On-Chip Variation At 10/7nm

Simulation, a workhorse tool for semiconductor design, is running out of steam at 10/7nm. It is falling behind on chips with huge gate counts and an enormous number of possible interactions between all the different functions that are being crammed onto a die. At simulation's root is some form of SPICE, which has served as its underpinnings ever since SPICE was first published 44 years ago. ... » read more

Saving Power In A UFS Implementation Leveraging MIPI M-PHY And UniPro

The JEDEC Universal Flash Storage (UFS) has become the mobile storage standard of choice for today’s high-end smartphones and tablets mainly due to the specification’s performance and power advantages over other existing solutions. These advantages become critical to meet end users’ requirements for higher responsiveness and increased capabilities. For example, end users expect to transmi... » read more

Moore’s Law: Toward SW-Defined Hardware

Pushing to the next process node will continue to be a primary driver for some chips—CPUs, FPGAs and some ASICS—but for many applications that approach is becoming less relevant as a metric for progress. Behind this change is a transition from using customized software with generic hardware, to a mix of specialized, heterogeneous hardware that can achieve better performance with less ene... » read more

The Future Of Sports Cars

The introduction of autonomous vehicles will have a huge effect on the car market, but not for the obvious reasons—and not necessarily in the time frame that most people expect. Numerous sources say one automakers are very concerned about what kinds of vehicles people will buy once cars are autonomous. What will differentiate one car from another? And what will become of brands such as Por... » read more

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