5 Reasons Why Defect Reduction Is Critical In Semiconductor Material Success

Semiconductors may be small, but the impacts they have are significant. Semiconductors used in life-dependent applications, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, life support systems, automotive safety systems, or in aviation need to be fail-proof. A device smaller than a centimeter with features just a few nanometers has no margin of error. This blog shares why it’s important to detect materia... » read more

High Performance, Energy-Dense, Practical, And Reliable Solid-State Batteries (ORNL)

A technical paper titled “Tailoring of the Anti-Perovskite Solid Electrolytes at the Grain-Scale” was published by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Abstract: "The development of thin, dense, defect-free solid electrolyte films is key for achieving practical and commercially viable solid-state batteries. Herein, we showcase a facile processing pathway for antiperovskite (Li2OH... » read more

Heterogeneous Integration Issues And Developments

There are a slew of new developments in advanced packaging, from new materials, chiplets, and interconnect schemes, to challenges involving how to physically put chips in a package, metallization, thermal cycling, and parasitics in the interconnect path. Dick Otte, CEO of Promex Industries, talks about how this will change chip design and manufacturing, and how those changes are likely to unfol... » read more

Variation Making Trouble In Advanced Packages

Variation is becoming increasingly problematic as chip designs become more heterogeneous and targeted by application, making it difficult to identify the root cause of problems or predict what can go wrong and when. Concerns about variation traditionally have been confined to the most advanced nodes, where transistor density is highest and where manufacturing processes are still being fine-t... » read more

Study Of Bondable Laser Release Material Using 355nm Energy To Facilitate RDL-First And Die-First Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging (FOWLP)

A thorough evaluation on selecting a bondable laser release material for redistribution layer (RDL)-first and die-first fan-out wafer-level packaging (FOWLP) is presented in this article. Four laser release materials were identified based on their absorption coefficient at 355 nm. In addition, all four of these materials possess thermal stability above 350 °C and pull-off adhesion on a Ti/Cu l... » read more

Big Changes In Materials And Processes For IC Manufacturing

Rama Puligadda, CTO at Brewer Science, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about a broad set of changes in semiconductor manufacturing, packaging, and materials, and how that will affect reliability, processes, and equipment across the supply chain. SE: What role do sacrificial materials play in semiconductor manufacturing, and how is that changing at new process nodes? Puliga... » read more

Slowdown, But No Correction

The market for chips will continue to grow over the next few years, but not as quickly as over the past couple years when the work-at-home market drove up demand for everything from laptops and TVs to home video equipment. Economists painted a mixed picture for the semiconductor industry at this week's SEMI Industry Strategy Symposium, projecting continue growth in all major markets, but tem... » read more

Sustainability In Creating Next-Gen Materials

In recent years, sustainable manufacturing has become increasingly vital in the materials industry with growing concerns about the impact of manufacturing on the environment. Minimizing the intrinsic risks associated with any manufacturing operation while maximizing the quality and opportunities that arise with improved products is and should be the goal of almost every manufacturer today. At... » read more

Reconstruction of Bloch wavefunctions of holes in a semiconductor

Summary "A central goal of condensed-matter physics is to understand how the diverse electronic and optical properties of crystalline materials emerge from the wavelike motion of electrons through periodically arranged atoms. However, more than 90 years after Bloch derived the functional forms of electronic waves in crystals [1] (now known as Bloch wavefunctions), rapid scattering processes ha... » read more

Standards for the Characterization of Endurance in Resistive Switching Devices

Abstract "Resistive switching (RS) devices are emerging electronic components that could have applications in multiple types of integrated circuits, including electronic memories, true random number generators, radiofrequency switches, neuromorphic vision sensors, and artificial neural networks. The main factor hindering the massive employment of RS devices in commercial circuits is related to... » read more

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