5 Things To Know About The IoT

The IoT means many things to many people. While the numbers and projections are all very large, the views of what it actually means are vastly different because it can include anything from a sensor in a car or an ingestible medical device to a data center full of servers and the connectivity in between. But there are some interesting shifts under way, both driving the [getkc id="76" comment... » read more

The Next Generation Of Wearables

As the wearable market begins to take root, so has the focus on ultra-low power design—with some unique headaches that are unique to wearables. To begin with, there is much attention being paid to this market because of the almost staggering predictions associated with it. While numbers vary greatly, IDC predicts as many as 126 million units will be shipping annually by 2019. The five-year... » read more

Custom Versus Platform Design

The increase in [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"] complexity is being mirrored by a rise in complexity within the markets that drive demand for those chips. The upshot is that a push toward greater connectivity, lower power and better performance—and all for a minimal cost—has turned the pros and cons for custom design vs. platforms and superchips into a murky decision-making process. For t... » read more

How To Test IoT Devices

At a recent event, test experts said the IC industry needs a new paradigm in testing chips for the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] (IoT). The message was fairly simple to interpret. Existing automatic test equipment (ATE) is well suited to test today’s digital, analog, and mixed-signal chips, though it may be ill-equipped or too expensive to test IoT-based devices. But wha... » read more

One-On-One: Mike Muller

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with [getentity id="22186" comment="ARM"] CTO Mike Muller, who first coined the term 'dark silicon,' to talk about what's changing, why the company is focusing so heavily on software and security in addition to power, and how the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] will change design and vice versa. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. S... » read more

Architecting For Efficiency

By definition, to be efficient is to perform or function in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry. As this relates to SoC design today, achieving the highest level of efficiency is a challenge with many dimensions. Efficiency comes in multiple ways. “One dimension would be power consumption,” said Oz Le... » read more

The New Face Of MCUs

For years, the humble microcontroller was known as the workhorse of white goods and other embedded applications that required some amount of processing, but not as much as a microprocessor would provide. Much has changed since then. Today’s MCUs are the star components in fast-growing and increasingly sophisticated application areas such as automotive, smartphones and the Internet of Thing... » read more

On-Chip MCUs Excel At Power Management

By Ann Steffora Mutschler When it comes to supplying power to an SoC, there is an increasing trend to make it more intelligent—how to control it more accurately, how it is monitored and how it communicates with different aspects of the chip. Traditional power supply models with analog supplies have less of this control, so a number of engineering teams are considering the use of on-chip m... » read more

Mixing Custom And Standard Parts

By Ed Sperling The amount of third-party and re-used IP content in an SoC is on the rise, but once a decision to buy vs. make has been made it doesn’t always stay that way. In fact, chipmakers are swinging the pendulum back and forth across a variety of chips, building IP themselves, standardizing on another vendor’s IP, then sometimes rolling it back the other way. The reasons are usua... » read more

Trading Off Power And Performance

By Ann Steffora Mutschler There is no shortage of opinions when it comes to the topic of performance and power tradeoffs. From abstracting the task from engineers to process considerations, engineering teams have a number of tools and approaches at their disposal to make the optimal design choices for their application. Take the MCU application space for instance. Ken Dwyer, director of app... » read more

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