SRAM Security Concerns Grow

SRAM security concerns are intensifying as a combination of new and existing techniques allow hackers to tap into data for longer periods of time after a device is powered down. This is particularly alarming as the leading edge of design shifts from planar SoCs to heterogeneous systems in package, such as those used in AI or edge processing, where chiplets frequently have their own memory hi... » read more

Exploring The Security Framework Of RISC-V Architecture In Modern SoCs

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, system-on-chip (SoC) designs have become a cornerstone for various applications, from automotive and mobile devices to data centers. These complex systems integrate multiple processors, a multi-level cache hierarchy, and various subsystems that share memory and system resources. However, this open access to shared memory and resources introduces pote... » read more

FeFET Memory Encrypted Inside The Storage Array

A new technical paper titled "Embedding security into ferroelectric FET array via in situ memory operation" was published by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, University of Notre Dame, Fraunhofer IPMS, National University of Singapore, and North Dakota State University. Abstract "Non-volatile memories (NVMs) have the potential to reshape next-generation memory systems because of... » read more

Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) For Verification, With Better Memory Safety (Oxford)

A technical paper titled "A Formal CHERI-C Semantics for Verification" was published by researchers at University of Oxford. Abstract: "CHERI-C extends the C programming language by adding hardware capabilities, ensuring a certain degree of memory safety while remaining efficient. Capabilities can also be employed for higher-level security measures, such as software compartmentalization, ... » read more

Memory-Based Cyberattacks Become More Complex, Difficult To Detect

Memories are becoming entry points for cyber attacks, raising concerns about system-level security because memories are nearly ubiquitous in electronics and breaches are difficult to detect. There is no end in sight with hackers taking aim at almost every consumer, industrial, and commercial segment, and a growing number of those devices connected to the internet and to each other. According... » read more

Capabilities In CAP, CHERI, And Morello

At the recent Arm DevSummit, one of the presentations mentioned CHERI and the Arm Morello board in passing. This was in the context of using capabilities (perhaps) in some future Arm processors to increase the amount of memory safety, and to protect against vulnerabilities like Spectre and Meltdown. I'd never heard of either, so I was intrigued and decided to look into the details. But the f... » read more