Full Wafer OCD Metrology

Authored by: Daniel Doutt*a, Ping-ju Chena, Bhargava Ravooria, Tuyen K. Trana, Eitan Rothsteinb, Nir Kampelb, Lilach Tamamb, Effi Aboodyb, Avron Gerb, Harindra Vedalac ABSTRACT Optical Critical Dimension (OCD) spectroscopy is a reliable, non-destructive, and high-throughput measurement technique for metrology and process control that is widely used in semiconductor fabrication facilities (f... » read more

3D Memory Structures: Common Hole And Tilt Metrology Techniques and Capabilities

A technical paper titled "Inline metrology of high aspect ratio hole tilt and center line shift using small-angle x-ray scattering" was published by researchers at Bruker Nano and Lam Research. Abstract: "High aspect ratio (HAR) structures found in three-dimensional nand memory structures have unique process control challenges. The etch used to fabricate channel holes several microns deep... » read more

Reflections On Photomask Japan 2023: Embracing The Era Of Curvilinear Masks

In April, 2023, I had the privilege of participating in Photomask Japan 2023 (PMJ2023), a web conference that brought together experts and enthusiasts in the field. The conference commenced with an enlightening keynote talk by Dr. Kurt Ronse of imec on the status and challenges of the high NA EUV ecosystem, presenting roadmaps for the introduction of high NA EUV. I would like to express my grat... » read more

How Metrology Tools Stack Up In 3D NAND Devices

Multiple innovations in semiconductor processing are needed to enable 3D NAND bit density increases of about 30% per year at ever-decreasing cost per bit, all of which will be required to meet the nonvolatile storage needs of the big data era. 3D NAND is the first truly three-dimensional device in production. It is both a technology driver for new metrology methods and a significant part of ... » read more

Detection Of Contaminants In Positive And Negative Ion Mode Using In-line SIMS With An Oxygen Primary Ion Beam

Utilizing Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) for in-line metrology is a newly emerging method of process control that requires contamination-free measurements, enabling SIMS on product wafers. SIMS measurements of negative ions are usually associated with a Cesium primary ion beam. Unfortunately, when Cesium is present in Silicon, it forms trap states in the Si band gap, which can cause ser... » read more

CDSAXS Milestones And Future Growth of X-ray-Based Metrology for 3D Nanostructures Important To Chip Industry

A new technical paper titled "Review of the key milestones in the development of critical dimension small angle x-ray scattering at National Institute of Standards and Technology." Abstract: "An x-ray scattering based metrology was conceived over 20 years ago as part of a collaboration between National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and International Business Machines Corporat... » read more

Challenges Grow For CD-SEMs At 5nm And Beyond

CD-SEM, the workhorse metrology tool used by fabs for process control, is facing big challenges at 5nm and below. Traditionally, CD-SEM imaging has relied on a limited number of image frames for averaging, which is necessary both to maintain throughput speeds and to minimize sample damage from the electron beam itself. As dimensions get smaller, these limitations result in higher levels of n... » read more

Case Study – Rohinni Micro LEDs

Rohinni combines vision, execution and micron-scale electronics to make impossible products possible. Using its patented device-placement technologies, Rohinni, together with its joint venture partners, enables bringing innovative products to market in high volumes, and at greatly reduced cost. Click here to read more. » read more

Easy-To-Use Mechanical Frequency Comb Platform (TU Delft)

A new technical paper titled "Mechanical overtone frequency combs" was published by researchers at Delft University of Technology, Ahmedabad University and NIST. Abstract "Mechanical frequency combs are poised to bring the applications and utility of optical frequency combs into the mechanical domain. So far, their main challenge has been strict requirements on drive frequencies and power,... » read more

Evolution Of The EUV Ecosystem Reflected At 2023 Advanced Lithography + Patterning

As anticipated, this year’s Advanced Lithography + Patterning Symposium was a very informative event, with many interesting papers being presented across a wide range of subjects. Many papers addressed topics relevant to leading-edge lithography, which these days means EUV lithography. With EUV lithography firmly established in high volume manufacturing (HVM), we could see in the presentation... » read more

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