Early Simulation Of Multi-Cycle Paths And False Paths

Designing with synchronous clocks avoids metastability issues on clock domain crossings, but it presents its own challenges when multi-cycle and false paths are involved. A multi-cycle path (MCP) occurs when a logical function requires more than one clock cycle to produce a final, stable result. The designer must ensure that the destination register does not clock until the result is ready. Thi... » read more

Verification Of Multi-Cycle Paths And False Paths

All chip designers know that they must take special care to avoid metastability problems when they have multiple, asynchronous clock domains. In contrast, a design in which all clocks are synchronous may appear simple. Logic synthesis ensures that the shortest paths between registers don’t have races and that the longest paths fit within the target cycle time. However, single-clock design is ... » read more

Early Verification Of Multi-Cycle Paths And False Paths In Simulation

Timing closure is a critical step in the chip development process. The performance and timing of a design must be verified, and any violations must be investigated and resolved. This includes the specification and verification of timing exceptions. This white paper focuses on false paths and multi-cycle paths, the use of Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) to specify these exceptions, and the “... » read more