Full-Chip Voltage Contrast Inference Using Deep Learning; You Only Look Once: Voltage Contrast (YOLO-VC)

Abstract: The electron beam inspection methodology for voltage contrast (VC) defects has been widely adopted in the early stages of sub-10nm logic and memory technology development, as well as in new product introductions. However, due to throughput limitations, full-chip inspection at the 300mm wafer scale remains impractical for yield ramp and production applications. To address this challeng... » read more

Deep Learning For Corner Fill Inspection

When automated optical inspection (AOI) works, it is almost always preferable to human visual inspection. It can be faster, more accurate, more consistent, less expensive, and it never gets tired. But there are some challenging applications. Some tasks that are very simple for humans are quite difficult for machines. Object detection is an example. Given an image containing a cat, a dog and a d... » read more

A Framework For Improving Current Defect Inspection Techniques For Advanced Nodes

A technical paper titled “Improved Defect Detection and Classification Method for Advanced IC Nodes by Using Slicing Aided Hyper Inference with Refinement Strategy” was published by researchers at Ghent University, imec, and SCREEN SPE. Abstract: "In semiconductor manufacturing, lithography has often been the manufacturing step defining the smallest possible pattern dimensions. In recent ... » read more

Physical Removal Attack On LiDAR Sensors And Mitigation Strategies

A technical paper titled "You Can't See Me: Physical Removal Attacks on LiDAR-based Autonomous Vehicles Driving Frameworks" was published by researchers at University of Michigan, University of Florida and the University of Electro-Communications (Japan). This paper was included at the recent 32nd USENIX Security Symposium. Abstract: "Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) increasingly use LiDAR-base... » read more

Object Detection CNN Suitable For Edge Processors With Limited Memory

A technical paper titled “TinyissimoYOLO: A Quantized, Low-Memory Footprint, TinyML Object Detection Network for Low Power Microcontrollers” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract: "This paper introduces a highly flexible, quantized, memory-efficient, and ultra-lightweight object detection network, called TinyissimoYOLO. It aims to enable object detection on microcontrol... » read more

Issues And Challenges In Super-Resolution Object Detection And Recognition

If you want high performance AI inference, such as Super-Resolution Object Detection and Recognition, in your SoC the challenge is to find a solution that can meet your needs and constraints. You need inference IP that can run the model you want at high accuracy. You need inference IP that can run the model at the frame rate you want: higher frame rate = lower latency, more time for dec... » read more

Weird Incidents Reveal L5 Challenges

A series of surprising, counterintuitive, and sometimes bizarre incidents reveal the challenges of achieving full Level 5 autonomy in self-driving vehicles, which are an increasingly common site in major cities. While it’s easy to dismiss such anecdotes as humorous glitches compared with the sobering accounts of autonomous tech-related injuries and fatalities, industry executives say these oc... » read more

Data Fusion Scheme For Object Detection & Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving

New research paper titled "Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving" from researchers at Uber. Abstract "We present an end-to-end method for object detection and trajectory prediction utilizing multi-view representations of LiDAR returns. Our method builds on a state-of-the-art Bird's-Eye View (BEV) network that fuses voxelized featur... » read more

A Novel Power-Saving Reversing Camera System with Artificial Intelligence Object Detection

Abstract "According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the driving collision rate of using only the reversing camera system is lower than that of using both the reversing camera system and the reversing radar. In this article, we implemented a reversing camera system with artificial intelligence object detection to increase the information of the reversing image... » read more

Customizable FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Standard Convolution Processes Empowered with Quantization Applied to LiDAR Data

Abstract "In recent years there has been an increase in the number of research and developments in deep learning solutions for object detection applied to driverless vehicles. This application benefited from the growing trend felt in innovative perception solutions, such as LiDAR sensors. Currently, this is the preferred device to accomplish those tasks in autonomous vehicles. There is a bro... » read more

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