Extracting Parasitic Impedance Of Semiconductor Power Modules

As a key component in energy conversion system, power semiconductor devices are widely used in various applications, e.g., electric vehicles, renewable energy conversion, and uninterrupted power supplies. The trend for power converter design is always toward higher power density. Power modules that integrate multiple semiconductor devices can meet this demand. It also reduces the compl... » read more

SuperGrid Institute Responds to Energy and Climate Demands

Researchers and developers at SuperGrid Institute use Ansys electronics software solutions to perform studies on power converters, critical links in the chain between electric generators and consumers, for their clients. Fig. 1: Medium-voltage DC grid power supply topology. As an independent research and innovation institute based in France, SuperGrid Institute is dedicated to developin... » read more

Going Vertical With GaN Devices

Gallium nitride has long been on the horizon for a variety of uses in semiconductors, but implementing this on a commercial scale has been relatively slow due to a variety of technical hurdles. That may be about to change. The wide bandgap of GaN makes it particularly attractive material for power conversion applications. Still, actually realizing its benefits in commercial devices has been ... » read more

Power Converter Chip Research Booms

Power electronics are booming, fueled by demand ranging from induction chargers for wearable and portable electronics, to charging stations for electric vehicles. An estimated 80% of all U.S. electricity will pass through some form of power converter by 2030, said Yogesh Ramadass, director of power management at Texas Instruments' Kilby Labs. Transportation applications, in particular, deman... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Feb. 28

Power converter for IoT At the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, researchers from MIT presented a new power converter that is efficient at a wide range of currents, which could be a boon for IoT sensors that have variable power requirements. The device maintains its efficiency at currents ranging from 500 picoamps to 1 milliamp, a span that encompasses a 200,000-fold increase in... » read more