Using FTIR To Improve SiC Power Device Performance

The figures alone are impressive: SiC power devices are experiencing an annual average growth rate approaching 34% through 2027, according to the Yole Group. However, the potential for this amongst other compound semiconductor-based power devices such as gallium nitride (GaN) to change the world around us is even more impressive. Thanks to the role that SiC-based devices play in the increase... » read more

Research Bits: December 11

Diamond device with high breakdown voltage Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed diamond p-type lateral Schottky barrier diodes they say have the highest breakdown voltage and lowest leakage current compared to previous diamond devices. The diamond device can sustain high voltage, approximately 5 kV, although the voltage was limited by setup of measurement a... » read more

Addressing Trench Structures And Larger Wafers For Power Devices

Wind power. Rail. Solar energy. And, perhaps most significantly, electric and hybrid vehicles. Together, these four forces are among the major demand drivers for power devices. While silicon (Si) still plays a role in power devices, wide-bandgap compound semiconductors like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) are particularly well-suited for power devices thanks to their higher e... » read more

Optimizing Metal Film Measurement On IGBT And MOSFET Power Devices With Picosecond Ultrasonic Technology

By Johnny Dai with Cheolkyu Kim and Priya Mukundhan In recent years, power semiconductor applications have expanded from industrial and consumer electronics to renewable energy and electric vehicles. Looking to the future, the most promising power semiconductor devices will be insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and power metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (power MOSFET) ... » read more

The Ultimate Guide To PCB Layout For GaN Transistors

In the ever-evolving landscape of power electronics, the emergence of gallium nitride (GaN) transistors has ignited a revolution by offering unparalleled benefits, including remarkable efficiency and power density enhancements. The art of PCB layout has been a crucial component in power electronic design for over four decades now, ever since the advent of switching power supplier. From the ea... » read more

Integration Of S-Parameters For Power Module Verification Into The Engineers’ Design Environment

By Wilfried Wessel (Siemens EDA), Simon Liebetegger (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt), and Florian Bauer (Siemens EDA) Developing a power module requires enhanced design and verification methods. Currently, multiple iterations are needed to get the design done. Today, design and manufacturing processes are heavily dependent on physical prototypes. The reason for this is the unique s... » read more

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors: What Modeling Challenges Must We Overcome

As power electronics shrink in size, the demands on power, frequency, and efficiency grow exponentially. The semiconductor industry is leaning heavily into wide bandgap materials like gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC) to help meet these demands. Recent research projects that the global GaN semiconductor devices market will grow at a CAGR of 25.4% from 2023 to 2030. However, the ... » read more

Power Semis Usher In The Silicon Carbide Era

Silicon carbide production is ramping quickly, driven by end market demand in automotive and price parity with silicon. Many thousands of power semiconductor modules already are in use in electric vehicles for on-board charging, traction inversion, and DC-to-DC conversion. Today, most of those are fabricated using silicon-based IGBTs. A shift to silicon carbide-based MOSFETs doubles the powe... » read more

How To Use S-Parameters For Power Module Verification

By Wilfried Wessel (Siemens EDA), Simon Liebetegger (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt), and Florian Bauer (Siemens EDA) Power modules are high-power switching circuits that convert DC- in AC-currents in electric vehicles, renewable energy, and many more applications. New materials [14] and device technologies [14], such as wide bandgap semiconductors, including silicon carbide (SiC) ... » read more

How ADAS and EVs Drive Semiconductor-To-Automotive Supply Chain Innovation

As EV and ADAS become the focus for the automotive industry, the supply chain is going through a transformation. The industry is keenly reminded of recent semiconductor shortages as well as the growing semiconductor content requirements per vehicle.  This prompts the entire supply chain including traditional semiconductor suppliers, Tier-1s, and automotive OEMs to rethink their strategies not ... » read more

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