Technical Paper Round-up: May 31

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=30 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for... » read more

CFU Playground: Significant Speedups & Design Space Exploration Between CPU & Accelerator

Technical paper titled "CFU Playground: Full-Stack Open-Source Framework for Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) Acceleration on FPGAs," from Google, Purdue University and Harvard University. Abstract "We present CFU Playground, a full-stack open-source framework that enables rapid and iterative design of machine learning (ML) accelerators for embedded ML systems. Our toolchain tightly integr... » read more

Driving Toward More Rugged, Less Expensive SiC

Silicon carbide is gaining traction in the power semiconductor market, particularly in electrified vehicles, but it's still too expensive for many applications. The reasons are well understood, but until recently SiC was largely a niche technology that didn't warrant the investment. Now, as demand grows for chips that can work in high-voltage applications, SiC is getting a much closer look. ... » read more

Silicon Verified ASIC Implementation for Saber

New research paper from Purdue University, KU Leuven, and Intel Labs titled "A 334uW 0.158mm2 Saber Learning with Rounding based Post-Quantum Crypto Accelerator." Abstract: "National Institute of Standard & Technology (NIST) is currently running a multi-year-long standardization procedure to select quantum-safe or post-quantum cryptographic schemes to be used in the future. Saber is the... » read more

Research Bits: May 3

Fingerprinting quantum noise Scientists from the University of Chicago and Purdue University propose a different method of understanding the effect of noise in quantum computers. Instead of trying to measure it directly, they created a 'fingerprint' of how the noise impacts a program run on the computer. “We wondered if there was a way to work with the noise, instead of against it,” sai... » read more

Research Bits: April 13

Washable battery Researchers from the University of British Columbia developed a washable, flexible, and stretchable battery. “Wearable electronics are a big market and stretchable batteries are essential to their development,” said Dr. Ngoc Tan Nguyen, a postdoctoral fellow at UBC’s faculty of applied science. “However, up until now, stretchable batteries have not been washable. Th... » read more

Research Bits: March 29

Brain-like AI chip Researchers from Purdue University, Santa Clara University, Portland State University, Pennsylvania State University, Argonne National Laboratory, University of Illinois Chicago, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and University of Georgia built a reprogrammable chip that could be used as the basis for brain-like AI hardware. “The brains of living beings can continuously l... » read more

Technical Paper Round-Up: March 29

Improving batteries, ultra low-power photonic edge computing, SLAM, Tellurium for 2D semiconductors, and reservoir computing top the past week's technical papers. The focus on energy is critical as the edge buildout continues and more devices are connected to a battery, while research into new architectures and materials that will continue scaling and improve performance per watt continue at th... » read more

Bell state analyzer for spectrally distinct photons

Abstract "We demonstrate a Bell state analyzer that operates directly on frequency mismatch. Based on electro-optic modulators and Fourier-transform pulse shapers, our quantum frequency processor design implements interleaved Hadamard gates in discrete frequency modes. Experimental tests on entangled-photon inputs reveal fidelities of ∼98% for discriminating between the |Ψ+⟩ and |Ψ−⟩... » read more

The resurrection of tellurium as an elemental two-dimensional semiconductor

Abstract "The graphene boom has triggered a widespread search for novel elemental van der Waals materials thanks to their simplicity for theoretical modeling and easy access for material growth. Group VI element tellurium is an unintentionally p-type doped narrow bandgap semiconductor featuring a one-dimensional chiral atomic structure which holds great promise for next-generation electronic, ... » read more

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