Prevent AI Hardware Obsolescence And Optimize Efficiency With eFPGA Adaptability

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI are driving up memory requirements, presenting a significant challenge. Modern LLMs can have billions of parameters, demanding many gigabytes of memory. To address this issue, AI architects have devised clever solutions that dramatically reduce memory needs. Evolving techniques like lossless weight compression, structured sparsity, and new numer... » read more

On-Device Speaker Identification For Digital Television (DTV)

In recent years, the way we interact with our TVs has changed. Multiple button presses to navigate an on-screen keyboard have been replaced with direct interaction through our voices. While this has resulted in significant improvements to the Digital Television (DTV) user experience, more can be done to provide immersive and engaging experiences. Imagine you say, “recommend me a film” or... » read more

High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI Accelerators

Everything around you is getting smarter. Artificial intelligence is not just a data center application but will be deployed in all kinds of embedded systems that we interact with daily. We expect to talk to and gesture at them. We expect them to recognize and understand us. And we expect them to operate with just a little bit of common sense. This intelligence is making these systems not just ... » read more

Embrace The New!

The ResNet family of machine learning algorithms was introduced to the AI world in 2015. A slew of variations was rapidly discovered that at the time pushed the accuracy of ResNets close to the 80% threshold (78.57% Top 1 accuracy for ResNet-152 on ImageNet). This state-of-the-art performance at the time, coupled with the rather simple operator structure that was readily amenable to hardware ac... » read more

BYO NPU Benchmarks

In our last blog post, we highlighted the ways that NPU vendors can shade the truth about performance on benchmark networks such that comparing common performance scores such as “Resnet50 Inferences / Second” can be a futile exercise. But there is a straight-forward, low-investment method for an IP evaluator to short-circuit all the vendor shenanigans and get a solid apples-to-apples result... » read more

Neural Network Model Quantization On Mobile

The general definition of quantization states that it is the process of mapping continuous infinite values to a smaller set of discrete finite values. In this blog, we will talk about quantization in the context of neural network (NN) models, as the process of reducing the precision of the weights, biases, and activations. Moving from floating-point representations to low-precision fixed intege... » read more

Object Detection CNN Suitable For Edge Processors With Limited Memory

A technical paper titled “TinyissimoYOLO: A Quantized, Low-Memory Footprint, TinyML Object Detection Network for Low Power Microcontrollers” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract: "This paper introduces a highly flexible, quantized, memory-efficient, and ultra-lightweight object detection network, called TinyissimoYOLO. It aims to enable object detection on microcontrol... » read more

Training a ML model On An Intelligent Edge Device Using Less Than 256KB Memory

A new technical paper titled "On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory" was published by researchers at MIT and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. “Our study enables IoT devices to not only perform inference but also continuously update the AI models to newly collected data, paving the way for lifelong on-device learning. The low resource utilization makes deep learning more accessible and can have a bro... » read more

Convolutional Neural Networks: Co-Design of Hardware Architecture and Compression Algorithm

Researchers at Soongsil University (Korea) published "A Survey on Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks and Hardware Acceleration." Abstract: "Over the past decade, deep-learning-based representations have demonstrated remarkable performance in academia and industry. The learning capability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) originates from a combination of various feature extraction... » read more

Transforming AI Models For Accelerator Chips

AI is all about speeding up the movement and processing of data. Ali Cheraghi, solution architect at Flex Logix, talks about why floating point data needs to be converted into integer point data, how that impacts power and performance, and how different approaches in quantization play into this formula. » read more

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