Optimizing Quantum Sensors

A new technical paper titled "Dissipative Superradiant Spin Amplifier for Enhanced Quantum Sensing" was published by researchers at the University of Chicago and Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. According to the University of Chicago news release, the researchers examined how qubits interact with each other and discovered a better way of extracting information out of the qubits by ... » read more

Microelectronics For Quantum Technologies

By Kay-Uwe Giering and Andy Heinig The transition of the quantum mechanics realm into engineering applications is opening up a large number of disruptive quantum technological opportunities. Their success relies on the recent technological advancements, which enable the controlled creation of individual quantum mechanical systems as well as their direct manipulation and measurement. Quantum ... » read more

Quantum Computing

Sebastian Luber, senior director of technology and innovation at Infineon Technologies, talks about the growing interest in quantum computers, what’s still missing to make this technology more relevant, and how to improve the lifespan and accuracy of qubits. » read more

Quantum Research Bits: Sept. 12

Making Qubits Last Longer One of the big challenges in quantum computing is extending the lifespan of qubits, called coherence time, long enough to do something useful with them. Research is now focused on how to increase that usable lifetime, and what factors can impact that. This has led to very different conclusions about whether silicon is a good substrate choice for quantum chips. Rese... » read more

Mass Producing Qubits (Imec and KU Leuven)

This new technical paper titled "Path toward manufacturable superconducting qubits with relaxation times exceeding 0.1 ms" was published by researchers at Imec and KU Leuven. Abstract "As the superconducting qubit platform matures towards ever-larger scales in the race towards a practical quantum computer, limitations due to qubit inhomogeneity through lack of process control become app... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Regional Shifts Supply chains are moving away from China. Apple, Honda, and Mazda are in line to diversify their manufacturing across different regions, according to one report. Another report says Apple plans to manufacture some of its new iPhone 14s in India. Mexico wants to be part of U.S.’s drive to move chip manufacturing closer to home, hosting American financiers to discuss elect... » read more

Max Planck Generates Up To 14 Entangled Photons In A Defined Way And With High Efficiency

A new technical paper titled "Efficient generation of entangled multiphoton graph states from a single atom" was published by researchers at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. The team of physicists "generated up to 14 entangled photons in an optical resonator, which can be prepared into specific quantum physical states in a targeted and very efficient manner. The new method could facil... » read more

Training a Quantum Neural Network Requires Only A Small Amount of Data

A new research paper titled "Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data" was published by researchers at Technical University of Munich, Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Caltech, and Los Alamos National Lab. “Many people believe that quantum machine learning will require a lot of data. We have rigorously shown that for many relevant problems,... » read more

Research Bits: Aug. 23

Algae-powered microprocessor Engineers from the University of Cambridge, Arm Research, Scottish Association for Marine Science, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology used a widespread species of blue-green algae to power an Arm Cortex M0+ microprocessor continuously for over a year. The algae, Synechocystis, is non-toxic and harvests energy from photosynthesis. The tiny electri... » read more

Research Bits: Aug. 16

Protein-based circuits Researchers from North Carolina State University and University of Cambridge created self-assembled, protein-based circuits that can perform simple logic functions and take advantage of an electron’s properties at quantum scales. A challenge in creating molecular circuits is the unreliability as circuit size decreases. At the quantum scale, electrons behave like wav... » read more

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