Research Bits: Mar. 4

Fiber computer Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Rhode Island School of Design, and Brown University developed a programmable elastic fiber computer that could be woven into clothing to monitor health conditions and physical activity. Clothing created using the fiber computer was reported as comfortable and machine washable. The single elastic fiber computer cont... » read more

Research Bits: May 21

Lithium tantalate PICs Researchers at EPFL and Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology developed scalable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) based on lithium tantalate (LiTaO3). Lithium tantalate can provide excellent electro-optic qualities and is used in telecom 5G RF filters. The team developed a wafer-bonding method for lithium tantalate, which is compatible with s... » read more

RF General-Purpose Photonic Processor

A new technical paper titled "General-purpose programmable photonic processor for advanced radiofrequency applications" was published by researchers at Universitat Politècnica de València and iPronics. Abstract "A general-purpose photonic processor can be built integrating a silicon photonic programmable core in a technology stack comprising an electronic monitoring and controlling layer ... » read more

3-Channel Package-Scale Galvanic Isolation Interface for SiC and GaN Power Switching Converters

A new technical paper titled "A Three-Channel Package-Scale Galvanic Isolation Interface for Wide Bandgap Gate Drivers" was published by STMicroelectronics and DIEEI, Università di Catania. Abstract "This article presents the design of a three-channel package-scale galvanic isolation interface for SiC and GaN power switching converters. The isolation interface consists of two side-by-sid... » read more

Summary Of The Progress In Beta-Phase Gallium Oxide Field-Effect Transistors

A technical paper titled “Progress in Gallium Oxide Field-Effect Transistors for High-Power and RF Applications” was published by researchers at George Mason University and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Abstract: "Power electronics are becoming increasingly more important, as electrical energy constitutes 40% of the total primary energy usage in the USA and is exp... » read more

Detailed RF Characterization of Ultra-Thin Indium Oxide Transistors

A new technical paper titled "Record RF Performance of Ultra-thin Indium Oxide Transistors with Buried-gate Structure" was published by researchers at Purdue University and won the 2022 Device Research Conference Best Student Paper Award (DRC 2022 held in June). According to this Purdue University news release, "In this work, the radio frequency (RF) performance of indium oxide transistors w... » read more

Paving The Way For 5G: RF Filter Process Monitoring And Control Using Picosecond Ultrasonic Metrology

A recent study shows the radio frequency (RF) filter market growing steadily by nearly $16 billion from 2019 to 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 20%, according to Technavio. The strong growth in the RF filter market is driven by the increased adoption of 5G technology, the surge in smartphones using 5G, and commercial and consumer devices dependent on internet of th... » read more

The Value Of RF Harmonic Balance Analyses For Analog Verification

By Pradeep Thiagarajan and Scott Guyton The world we live in is intricately connected by electronic systems that are expected to function flawlessly to satisfy consumer needs. Functionality violations beyond certain tolerance levels are frowned upon and negatively impact the quality level of products. These systems are required to function accurately, in tandem with other interdependent syst... » read more

Challenges In RF Design

Designing highly integrated components for radio frequency applications poses special challenges for system engineers, designers and the commissioning engineers. The boundary between chip, package and board is increasingly vanishing on modern components. It is growing more common for parts of the functionality to be moved to the package or even the board. In some cases, the requirements have be... » read more

Full Metrology Solutions For Advanced RF With Picosecond Ultrasonic Metrology

Picosecond Ultrasonics (PULSE Technology) has been widely used in thin metal film metrology because of its unique advantages, such as being a rapid, non-contact, non-destructive technology and its capabilities for simultaneous multiple layer measurement. Measuring velocity and thickness simultaneously for transparent and semi-transparent films offers a lot of potential for not only monitoring ... » read more

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