New Robots Require New Ways To Think About Processors

We’re on the cusp of a revolution in robots. After years of relatively moderate growth, sales of commercial and industrial robots are slated to grow by 25% to 35% per year over the next decade, according to Boston Consulting Group, and could reach $260 billion by 2030 to meet the demands of manufacturers, retailers and others to streamline supply chains, enhance safety and boost productivity.... » read more

Robots Become More Useful In Factories

Most people associate factory automation with large robotic machines, such as those that weld automobile chassis on assembly lines. But as prices drop and technology improves, robots are being deployed for smaller and more varied tasks, and they are getting better at all of them. Inside of factories, robots can significantly improve output, consistency, and reliability. They can work around ... » read more

Data Association Between Perception and V2V Communication Sensors

Abstract: "The connectivity between vehicles, infrastructure, and other traffic participants brings a new dimension to automotive safety applications. Soon all the newly produced cars will have Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication modems alongside the existing Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS). It is essential to identify the different sensor measurements for the same targets (... » read more

Benchmarking Highly Parallel Hardware for Spiking Neural Networks in Robotics

Abstract: "Animal brains still outperform even the most performant machines with significantly lower speed. Nonetheless, impressive progress has been made in robotics in the areas of vision, motion- and path planning in the last decades. Brain-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and the parallel hardware necessary to exploit their full potential have promising features for robotic applica... » read more

Development Of Distributed Intelligent Systems With The Robot Operating System

Networked robotic systems are increasingly prevalent. In addition to industrial robotics now firmly ensconced in manufacturing, applications are also being developed in the areas of logistics, medical technology, and even unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). In general, robotic systems are still centrally controlled by a PLC based on statically planned tasks... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

An investigation by the Automobile Association of America found that lane-keeping assist and automatic emergency braking, both high-profile ADAS features, are prone to failure in rain. According to the report, 69% of tests conducted with simulated rainfall resulted in test vehicles crossing lane markers, and 33% of simulations resulted in collisions at 35 mph. Surprisingly, risk of accidents di... » read more

Adaptive Computing In Robotics

Traditional software development in robotics is about programming functionality in the CPU of a given robot with a pre-defined architecture and constraints. With adaptive computing, instead, building a robotic behavior is about programming an architecture. By leveraging adaptive computing, roboticists can adapt one or more of the properties of its computing systems (e.g., its determinism, power... » read more

Big Challenges In Verifying Cyber-Physical Systems

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss cyber-physical systems and how to verify them with Jean-Marie Brunet, senior director for the Emulation Division at Siemens EDA; Frank Schirrmeister, senior group director for solution marketing at Cadence; Maurizio Griva, R&D Manager at Reply; and Laurent Maillet-Contoz, system and architect specialist at STMicroelectronics. This discussion was... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 15

Higher-res lidar Researchers from Purdue University and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) devised a way to improve lidar and provide higher-resolution detection of nearby fast-moving objects through mechanical control and modulation of light on a silicon chip. "Frequency modulated continuous wave" (FMCW) lidar detects objects by scanning laser light from the top of a vehicl... » read more

Next Challenge: Known Good Systems

The leading edge of design is heading toward multi-die/multi-chiplet architectures, and an increasing number of mainstream designs likely will follow as processing moves closer to the edge. This doesn't mean every chipmaker will be designing leading-edge chips, of course. But more devices will have at least some leading-edge logic or will be connected over some advanced interconnect scheme t... » read more

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