Adding Value To Open-Source RISC-V Cores With Verification

By Steve Richmond (Silicon Labs), Mike Thompson (OpenHW Group), and Lee Moore (Imperas Software) Modern SoC verification has matured to the point that some are suggesting the use of the word ‘prototype’ when referring to the first silicon samples is now unnecessary. This is due in part to the commercial EDA industry, which has provided the innovation and tools used throughout the design... » read more

Blog Review: March 31

Arm's Pavel Rudko considers several common approaches used to get better performance for neural network inference on mobile devices, such as optimizing and pruning the model and using different processing units to execute different workloads in parallel. Siemens EDA's Ray Salemi introduces basic concepts of using Python for verification and how to get Python to talk to an RTL device-under-te... » read more

Blog Review: March 17

Synopsys' Chris Clark considers the growing number of automotive sensors and the cost/performance tradeoffs between edge computing capability, sensor fusion, sensor degradation, monitoring, and the maintenance of the software over the lifespan of a vehicle. Cadence's Paul McLellan checks out how the process of loading the bootstrap into memory has changed over the years, from hand-entered on... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive/Mobility With the chip supply so tight it is shutting down automotive production lines, U.S. chip company CEOs signed a Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) letter asking the U.S. president to include funding incentives for the chip manufacturing in U.S. economic recovery plans. The letter references the CHIPS for America Act and asks the president to work with Congress to suppo... » read more

RISC-V Becoming Less Risky With The Right Verification

RISC-V continues to make headlines across the electronic design industry. You may have seen the recent news that the OpenHW Group is delivering their first RISC-V core, the CV32E40P. If you attended last month’s RISC-V Summit, perhaps you attended “CORE-V: Industrial Grade Open-Source RISC-V Cores” by Rick O’Connor, president of the OpenHW Group. In this session, Rick discussed how the ... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 23

Cadence's Paul McLellan checks out how Arm is becoming a powerhouse in the server and high-end space with the addition of new R&D and a focus on getting the most out of its architecture. Siemens EDA's Harry Foster continues his look at verification trends in FPGAs by checking out adoption of different simulation and formal technologies. Synopsys' Taylor Armerding looks ahead to 2021 w... » read more

RISC-V Verification Challenges Spread

The RISC-V ecosystem is struggling to keep pace with rapid innovation and customization, which is increasing the amount of verification work required for each design and spreading that work out across more engineers at more companies. The historical assumption is that verification represents 60% to 80% or more of SoC project effort in terms of cost and time for a mature, mainstream processor... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

RISC-V RISC-V International CEO Calista Redmond provided an update on the state of the community during the annual RISC-V Summit: “RISC-V has had an incredible year of growth and momentum. This year, our technical community has grown 66 percent to more than 2,300 individuals in our more than 50 technical and special interest groups. We’re seeing increased market momentum of RISC-V cores, S... » read more

Blog Review: Nov. 25

Mentor's Harry Foster finds growing complexity in FPGA design by looking at the number of embedded microprocessors, asynchronous clock domains, and safety/security features in the 2020 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study. Cadence's Paul McLellan points to the interim SRC/SIA Decadal Plan for Semiconductors and five big shifts it identifies in information and communication tec... » read more

Blog Review: Nov. 11

Mentor's Chris Spear proposes mixing together the compactness of the field macro style with the preciseness of the do methods when writing a UVM transaction class. Cadence's Paul McLellan looks back at the history of EPROM, some of the difficulty with actually erasing it, and the subsequent development of EEPROM. Synopsys' Tuomo Untinen explains three WPA2 authentication vulnerabilities r... » read more

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