Déjà Vu For CMP Modeling?

One definition of design for manufacturing (DFM) is providing knowledge about the impact of the manufacturing process on a design layout to the designers, so they can use that information to improve the robustness, reliability, or yield of their design before tapeout. Essentially, DFM is about designers taking ownership of the full “lifecycle” of a design, and going beyond the required desi... » read more

Balancing On The Color Density Tightrope

Balancing on wobbly tightropes is something that chip designers get pretty good at. For instance, there is a fine balance between optimizing performance and minimizing leakage in a design layout. Dealing with the new requirements that multi-patterning (MP) introduces into a design flow creates many new tightropes to walk. I tiptoed out on one of the rarely talked about ones in my last article�... » read more

DFM Success At SMIC

Jeff Wilson As any integrated circuit (IC) designer knows, design rules are the “first line of defense” foundries provide in the effort to ensure all IC designs are ultimately manufacturable. Coming in a close second, design for manufacturing (DFM) rules enable designers to maximize design capabilities and performance while minimizing or optimizing the use of chip space. At today’s ad... » read more

Increasing Levels Of Risk

Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design sits down with Mentor Graphics' Jean-Marie Brunet to talk about double patterning, finFETs, design rules at advanced nodes and why design for manufacturing (DFM) has suddenly become so popular. [youtube vid=3GHvikyjZow] » read more

Fill Challenge Solved: Why SmartFill is as Good as it Sounds

by Jean-Marie Brunet Among the many steps involved with chip design, there is one known by the deceptively simple name of “fill.” Fill involves adding shapes or polygons to the design that are structural, not logical. That is, they ensure manufacturability by making sure each layer (metal, poly, diffusion) has a proscribed density. As easy as this sounds, fill can be tricky, and the fill... » read more