UCIe: Marketing Ruins It Again

You may have seen the press release and articles recently about a new standard called UCIe. It stands for Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express. The standard is a great idea and will certainly help the market for chiplet-based designs to advance. But the name — Argggh. More on that later. First, let's talk about what it is. You may notice the name looks similar to PCIe (Peripheral Compone... » read more

Cataloging IP In The Enterprise

Many companies have no way of documenting where IP they license is actually used, which version of that IP is being utilized, and whether that license extends to other projects or even to their customers. Pedro Pires, applications engineer at ClioSoft, looks at how IP currently is cataloged, why it’s been so difficult to do this in the past, and how AI can be used to speed up and simplify thi... » read more

Unsolved Issues In Next-Gen Photomasks

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss optical and EUV photomasks issues, as well as the challenges facing the mask business, with Naoya Hayashi, research fellow at DNP; Peter Buck, director of MPC & mask defect management at Siemens Digital Industries Software; Bryan Kasprowicz, senior director of technical strategy at Hoya; and Aki Fujimura, CEO of D2S. What f... » read more

The Ethernet Standard: To IP And Beyond

Ethernet is ubiquitous—it is the core technology that defines the Internet and serves to connect the world in ways that people could not imagine even one generation ago. HPC clusters are working on solving the most challenging problems facing humanity—and cloud computing is the service hosting many of the application workloads struggling with these questions. While alternative network infra... » read more

Domain-Specific Design Drives EDA Changes

The chip design ecosystem is beginning to pivot toward domain-specific architectures, setting off a scramble among tools vendors to simplify and optimize existing tools and methodologies. The move reflects a sharp slowdown in Moore's Law scaling as the best approach for improving performance and reducing power. In its place, chipmakers — which now includes systems companies — are pushing... » read more

Zonal Architectures Play Key Role In Vehicle Security

The automotive ecosystem is starting to shift toward zonal architectures, making vehicle functionality less dependent on the underlying hardware and allowing more flexibility in what gets processed where. The impact of that shift is both broad and significant. For carmakers, it could lead to hardware consolidation and more options for failovers in case something goes wrong with any system in... » read more

1.6 Tb/s Ethernet Challenges

Moving data at blazing fast speeds sounds good in theory, but it raises a number of design challenges. John Swanson, senior product marketing manager for high-performance computing digital IP at Synopsys, talks about the impact of next-generation Ethernet on switches, the types of data that need to be considered, the causes of data growth, and the size and structure of data centers, both in the... » read more

Using IP-XACT To Solve Design And Verification Problems

As today’s SoC designs grow more complex and time-to-market (TTM) pressures rise, designers are looking for techniques to build and update designs easily. Key elements for addressing these SoC challenges include the incorporation of more commercial IP components, internal design IP reuse, and extensive automation of design and verification activities. Enhanced interoperability and reusability... » read more

Functional Safety Working Group

With the increasing demand of compute power, the electrical and electronic systems deployed in safety-critical applications become more and more complex. This complexity also extends to Functional Safety (FS) requirements, and it affects all parts of the system including hardware and software components. Addressing FS requires specific safety activities and operations, documented in what the... » read more

Making Test Transparent With Better Data

Data is critical for a variety of processes inside the fab. The challenge is getting enough consistent data from different equipment and then plugging it back into the design, manufacturing, and test flows to quickly improve the process and uncover hard-to-find defective die. Progress is being made. The inspection and test industry is on the cusp of having more dynamic ways to access the dat... » read more

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