CFETs with Optimized Buried Power Rails

A technical paper titled "Buried power rail to suppress substrate leakage in complementary field effect transistor (CFET)" was published by researchers at Korea University and Sungkyunkwan University. Abstract "In the pursuit of minimizing the track height in standard cell, a design innovation incorporating complementary field-effect transistors (CFETs) and Buried Power Rail (BPR) technolog... » read more

Single-Molecule Transistor Using Quantum Interference

A new technical paper titled "Quantum interference enhances the performance of single-molecule transistors" was published by researchers at Queen Mary University of London, University of Oxford, Lancaster University, and University of Waterloo. Abstract "Quantum effects in nanoscale electronic devices promise to lead to new types of functionality not achievable using classical electronic co... » read more

Review Paper: Negative Capacitance GAA-FET

A new technical paper titled "Recent Developments in Negative Capacitance Gate-All-Around Field Effect Transistors: A Review" by researchers at PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institution and Shenzhen Institute of Peking University. "The novel device structure of negative capacitance gate all around field effect transistor (NC GAA-FET) can combine both the advantages of GAA-FET and NC-FET, and ... » read more

Ferroelectrics: The Dream Of Negative Capacitance

Ferroelectrics are getting a serious re-examination, as chipmakers look for new options to maintain drive current. Ferroelectric materials can provide non-volatile memory, serving an important functional gap somewhere between DRAM and flash memory. Indeed, ferroelectrics for memory and 2D channels for transistors were two highlights of the recent IEEE Electron Device Meeting. Ferroelectri... » read more

Reporting and Benchmarking Process For A 2D Semiconductor FET

New research paper titled "How to Report and Benchmark Emerging Field-Effect Transistors" was published from researchers at NIST, Purdue University, UCLA, Theiss Research, Peking University, NYU, Imec, RWTH Aachen, and others. "Emerging low-dimensional nanomaterials have been studied for decades in device applications as field-effect transistors (FETs). However, properly reporting and compar... » read more

Interest Grows In Ferroelectric Devices

Ferroelectric FETs and memories are beginning to show promise as researchers begin developing and testing next-generation transistors. One measure of the efficiency of a transistor is the subthreshold swing, which is the change in gate voltage needed to increase the drain current by one order of magnitude. Measured in units of millivolts per decade, in conventional MOSFETs it is limited to k... » read more

TFETs Cut Sub-Threshold Swing

One of the main obstacles to continued transistor scaling is power consumption. As gate length decreases, the sub-threshold swing (SS) — the gate voltage required to change the drain current by one order of magnitude — increases. As Qin Zhang, Wei Zhao, and Alan Seabaugh of Notre Dame explained in 2006, SS faces a theoretical minimum of 60 mV/decade at room temperature in conventional MO... » read more