Why SoC Designers Need Purpose-Built Semiconductor IP Catalog Tools

Semiconductor intellectual property (IP) management, reuse, and change tracking are essential for efficiently creating chip designs based on proven building blocks, reducing your time-to-market, and maintaining good reputations throughout their lifetimes. Unfortunately, many SoC teams attempt to use existing tools like Git for these essential tasks, even though they are unsuitable and inconv... » read more

Resilient And Secure Programmable SoC Accelerator Offload (KAUST)

A technical paper titled “Resilient and Secure Programmable System-on-Chip Accelerator Offload” was published by researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Abstract: "Computational offload to hardware accelerators is gaining traction due to increasing computational demands and efficiency challenges. Programmable hardware, like FPGAs, offers a promising plat... » read more

Competitive Open-Source EDA Tools

A technical paper titled “Basilisk: Achieving Competitive Performance with Open EDA Tools on an Open-Source Linux-Capable RISC-V SoC” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. Abstract: "We introduce Basilisk, an optimized application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation and design flow building on the end-to-end open-source Iguana system-on-chip (... » read more

Modeling And Analyzing Open-Source SoCs For Low-Power Cyber-Physical Systems

A technical paper titled “TOP: Towards Open & Predictable Heterogeneous SoCs” was published by researchers at University of Bologna, ETH Zurich, and University of California San Diego. Abstract: "Ensuring predictability in modern real-time Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) is an increasingly critical concern for many application domains such as automotive, robotics, and industrial automation. An... » read more

SoC Integration And Data Transport Architecture Requirements Surge In 2023

As the holiday season is in full swing, it's retrospection and prediction time! Let's look at what I thought 2023 would look like, review how it turned out, and take a first stab at 2024 predictions. As a spoiler, my biggest surprise was the intensity with which artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) accelerated since Generative AI was put on the mainstream adoption map last year,... » read more

A HIL Methodology For The SoC Development Flow

A technical paper titled “Virtual-Peripheral-in-the-Loop : A Hardware-in-the-Loop Strategy to Bridge the VP/RTL Design-Gap” was published by researchers at University of Bremen and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Abstract: "Virtual Prototypes act as an executable specification model, offering a unified behavior reference model for SW and HW engineers. However, b... » read more

A Formal Verification Method To Detect Timing Side Channels In MCU SoCs

A technical paper titled “A New Security Threat in MCUs – SoC-wide timing side channels and how to find them” was published by researchers at University of Kaiserslautern-Landau and Stanford University. Abstract: "Microarchitectural timing side channels have been thoroughly investigated as a security threat in hardware designs featuring shared buffers (e.g., caches) and/or parallelism b... » read more

NoC Obfuscation For Protecting Against Reverse Engineering Attacks (U. Of Florida)

A technical paper titled "ObNoCs: Protecting Network-on-Chip Fabrics Against Reverse-Engineering Attacks" was published by researchers at University of Florida. Abstract: "Modern System-on-Chip designs typically use Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabrics to implement coordination among integrated hardware blocks. An important class of security vulnerabilities involves a rogue foundry reverse-engineeri... » read more

Fault Awareness And Reliability Improvements In a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V SoC (HARV-SoC)

A technical paper titled “Enhancing Fault Awareness and Reliability of a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip” was published by researchers at University of Montpellier and University of Vale do Itajaí. Abstract: "Recent research has shown interest in adopting the RISC-V processors for high-reliability electronics, such as aerospace applications. The openness of this architecture enables... » read more

Physically Aware NoCs

More functions, greater security risks, and increasingly complicated integration of IP and various components below 7nm is increasing the time and effort it takes to get a functioning chip out the door. In many of these devices, the network on chip is the glue between various components, but it can take up to 10% to 12% of the total area of the SoC. Andy Nightingale, vice president of product m... » read more

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