Solid-State Electrochemical Thermal Transistor Without Using Liquid

A new technical paper titled "Solid-State Electrochemical Thermal Transistors" was published by researchers at Hokkaido University, Pusan National University, and the University of Tokyo. Abstract "Thermal transistors that electrically control heat flow have attracted growing attention as thermal management devices and phonon logic circuits. Although several thermal transistors are demons... » read more

Modeling and Thermal Analysis of 3DIC

A new technical paper titled "Heat transfer in a multi-layered semiconductor device with spatially-varying thermal contact resistance between layers" was published by researchers at UT Arlington. "This work presents a theoretical model to determine the steady state temperature distribution in a general M-layer structure with spatial variation in thermal contact resistance between adjacent la... » read more

Hot Trends In Semiconductor Thermal Management

Increasing thermal challenges, as the industry moves into 3D packaging and continues to scale digital logic, are pushing the limits of R&D. The basic physics of having too much heat trapped in too small a space is leading to tangible problems, like consumer products that are too hot to hold. Far worse, however, is the loss of power and reliability, as overheated DRAM has to continually r... » read more

Dealing With Heat In Near-Memory Compute Architectures

The explosion in data forcing chipmakers to get much more granular about where logic and memory are placed on a die, how data is partitioned and prioritized to utilize those resources, and what the thermal impact will be if they are moved closer together on a die or in a package. For more than a decade, the industry has faced a basic problem — moving data can be more resource-intensive tha... » read more

Coming In Hot: Requirements For Successful Thermal Management In 3D-IC

As the speed, density, and capabilities of electronics have all increased, power has become a first order driver in almost all electronic systems. For instance, it’s well recognized that heat is often the number one limiting factor in 3D-IC design. High-speed chips stacked close together in a small housing cause things to heat up fast. One of the most common designer responses to overheating ... » read more

Speeding-Up Thermal Simulations Of Chips With ML

A new technical paper titled "A Thermal Machine Learning Solver For Chip Simulation" was published by researchers at Ansys. Abstract "Thermal analysis provides deeper insights into electronic chips' behavior under different temperature scenarios and enables faster design exploration. However, obtaining detailed and accurate thermal profile on chip is very time-consuming using FEM or CFD. Th... » read more

Monolithic Microfluidic Cooling on a Functional CPU Running Real-World Benchmarks

New technical paper titled "Integrated Silicon Microfluidic Cooling of a High-Power Overclocked CPU for Efficient Thermal Management" is published by researchers at Georgia Tech and Microsoft. According to the abstract: "In this work, we use micropin-fins etched directly on the back of an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU and overclocked it to dissipate up to 215W of power while being cooled by room... » read more

Thermal Cycling Failure In Electronics

Each time a device is turned off and on, its temperature changes. (Just think about how often your phone lights up all day.) Energy flowing through several layers of tightly stacked materials causes devices to heat up, then rapidly cool down. This repeated oscillation between temperatures over the lifetime of a device is called thermal cycling. Why thermal management is important Thermal cycl... » read more

Thermal Management Challenges and Requirements of 3 types of Microelectronic Devices

New technical paper titled "A Review on Transient Thermal Management of Electronic Devices" from researchers at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Abstract "Much effort in the area of electronics thermal management has focused on developing cooling solutions that cater to steady-state operation. However, electronic devices are increasingly being used in applications involving time-varyi... » read more

Review of Bumpless Build Cube Using Wafer-on-Wafer & Chip-on-Wafer for Tera-Scale 3D Integration

New research paper titled "Review of Bumpless Build Cube (BBCube) Using Wafer-on-Wafer (WOW) and Chip-on-Wafer (COW) for Tera-Scale Three-Dimensional Integration (3DI)" from researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology and others. Abstract "Bumpless Build Cube (BBCube) using Wafer-on-Wafer (WOW) and Chip-on-Wafer (COW) for Tera-Scale Three-Dimensional Integration (3DI) is discussed. Bum... » read more

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