Improved graphene-base heterojunction transistor with different collector semiconductors for high-frequency applications

New research paper from TU Dresden & others. Abstract "A new kind of transistor device with a graphene monolayer embedded between two n-typesilicon layers is fabricated and characterized. The device is called graphene-base heterojunction transistor (GBHT). The base-voltage controls the current of the device flowing from the emitter via graphene to the collector. The transit time for e... » read more

Highly efficient modulation doping: A path toward superior organic thermoelectric devices

New academic paper from TU Dresden. Abstract "We investigate the charge and thermoelectric transport in modulation-doped large-area rubrene thin-film crystals with different crystal phases. We show that modulation doping allows achieving superior doping efficiencies even for high doping densities, when conventional bulk doping runs into the reserve regime. Modulation-doped orthorhombic rubr... » read more

Ferroelectric, hafnium oxide based transistors for digital beyond von-Neumann computing

Source: AIP Applied Physics Letters, published 2/4/2021.  Evelyn T. Breyer1,  Halid Mulaosmanovic1,  Thomas Mikolajick1,2, and  Stefan Slesazeck1 1Nanoelectronic Materials Laboratory (NaMLab) gGmbH, 01187 Dresden, Germany 2Chair of Nanoelectronics, TU Dresden, 01187 Dresden, Germany   Technical paper link is here » read more

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