Chip Backdoors: Assessing the Threat

In 2018, Bloomberg Businessweek made an explosive claim: Chinese spies had implanted backdoors in motherboards used by some high-profile customers, including the U.S. Department of Defense. All of those customers issued strongly worded denials. Most reports of hardware backdoors have ended up in exchanges like these. There are allegations and counter-allegations about specifics. But as hardw... » read more

Need Design Talent? Create a Contest

Amid a labor crunch for qualified engineers, semiconductor ecosystem participants are coming up with new strategies to entice university students, such as design competitions. In one design competition sponsored by Renesas earlier this year for European university students and their educators, teams were tasked with building a self-guided robot that could drive along a track in a virtual sim... » read more

Technical Paper Round-up: May 3

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=24 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Aug. 31

Securing memory Researchers at Columbia University suggest several ways to make computing more secure without imposing a system performance penalty. The efforts focus on memory security, specifically pointers. "Memory safety has been a problem for nearly 40 years and numerous solutions have been proposed. We believe that memory safety continues to be a problem because it does not distribute... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Aug. 3

World’s thinnest magnet Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of California at Berkeley and others have developed what researchers say is the world’s thinnest magnet. The one-atom-thin, two-dimensional (2D) magnet could one day pave the way towards new spin electronics or spintronics memory devices and other technologies in the market. Spintronics uses the orientation of... » read more

Blog Review: Jan. 13

Siemens EDA's Harry Foster tracks trends in IC and ASIC design and finds that increased design size is only one dimension of the growing complexity challenge. Synopsys' Chris Clark and Dennis Kengo Oka predicts how the automotive industry will change in 2021, including new standards for security, increased use of AI and V2X technologies, and a growing focus on software. Cadence's Paul McL... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Dec. 1

Self-erasing chip Researchers from the University of Michigan developed self-erasing chips that could be used to prevent counterfeiting or detect tampering. The technology is based on a new material that temporarily stores energy, changing the color of the light it emits. It self-erases in a matter of days, or it can be erased on demand. "It's very hard to detect whether a device has been t... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Nov. 3

Zeptosecond measurements A group of researchers have set a new world’s record for the shortest timespan measurement. DESY, Fritz-Haber-Institute and Goethe University Frankfurt have measured how long it takes for a photon to cross a hydrogen molecule. The result? About 247 zeptoseconds. A zeptosecond is a trillionth of a billionth of a second (10-21 seconds). This is said to be the sh... » read more

Challenges For Compute-In-Memory Accelerators

A compute-in-memory (CIM) accelerator does not simply replace conventional logic. It's a lot more complicated than that. Regardless of the memory technology, the accelerator redefines the latency and energy consumption characteristics of the system as a whole. When the accelerator is built from noisy, low-precision computational elements, the situation becomes even more complex. Tzu-Hsian... » read more

Compute-In Memory Accelerators Up-End Network Design Tradeoffs

An explosion in the amount of data, coupled with the negative impact on performance and power for moving that data, is rekindling interest around in-memory processing as an alternative to moving data back and forth between the memory and the processor. Compute-in-memory (CIM) arrays based on either conventional memory elements like DRAM and NAND flash, as well as emerging non-volatile memori... » read more

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