Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQA)

  Abstract "Applications such as simulating large quantum systems or solving large-scale linear algebra problems are immensely challenging for classical computers due their extremely high computational cost. Quantum computers promise to unlock these applications, although fault-tolerant quantum computers will likely not be available for several years. Currently available quantum device... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Feb. 23

Photonic AI accelerator There are now many processors and accelerators focused on speeding up neural network performance, but researchers at the University of Münster, University of Oxford, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), IBM Research Europe, and University of Exeter say AI processing could happen even faster with the use of photonic tensor processors that can handle mu... » read more

System Bits: July 15

Automating bridge inspections with robotics The University of Waterloo has come up with robotics that could be used in automated inspection of bridges, making sure such critical infrastructure is safe and sound. The technology promises to make bridge inspection cheaper and easier. The system collects data for defect detection and analysis through a combination of autonomous robots, cameras,... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Jan. 14

Optical memory Researchers at the University of Oxford, University of Exeter, and University of Münster propose an all-optical memory cell that can store more optical data, 5 bits, in a smaller space than was previously possible on-chip. The optical memory cell uses light to encode information in the phase change material Ge2Sb2Te5. A laser causes the material to change between ordered and... » read more

System Bits: Dec. 11

Calculating the costs of autonomous vehicles The development of autonomous vehicle technology commands a lot of media coverage. Little reporting has been devoted to the costs of operating AVs, a subject that developers don’t discuss in general. The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s website recently divulged contract figures with two startups, and EasyMile. For Silicon Valley-bas... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 27

Hybrid solar for hydrogen and electricity Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed an artificial photosynthesis solar cell capable of both storing the sun's energy as hydrogen through water splitting and outputting electricity directly. The hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic (HPEV) cell gets around a limitation of other water splitting devices that shortchange... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Nov. 20

Predicting crystal structures A group of researchers have improved a crystal structure prediction algorithm, enabling the ability to develop new crystal structures and compounds at faster rates. In 2005, Artem Oganov, now a professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), developed a crystal structure predic... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: June 19

Tandem solar reaches 25.2% efficiency In the push for ever-more efficient solar panels, researchers are turning to tandem, or double-junction, photovoltaics. Tandem solar panels use two different types of solar cell capable of absorbing different wavelengths of light stacked on top of each other to maximize the conversion of light rays into electrical power. Recently, two groups have reache... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Jan. 23

Atomristors for thin memory Engineers at The University of Texas at Austin and Peking University developed a thin memory storage device with dense memory capacity. Dubbed "atomristors," the device enables 3-D integration of nanoscale memory with nanoscale transistors on the same chip. "For a long time, the consensus was that it wasn't possible to make memory devices from materials that were... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 19

Healing perovskites A team from the University of Cambridge, MIT, University of Oxford, University of Bath, and Delft University of Technology discovered a way to heal defects in perovskite solar cells by exposing them to light and just the right amount of humidity. While perovskites show promise for low-cost, efficient photovoltaics, tiny defects in the crystalline structure, called traps,... » read more

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