Using Keysight Design Data Management SOS In The Cloud

Explore how designers can manage design data in the cloud to scale and meet evolving processing demands.


Integrated circuits (ICs) are becoming increasingly complex and resource intensive. This is challenging companies to design chips more efficiently and reduce the overall impact of peak processing loads.

Companies typically use large server farms and high-performance storage systems to design and validate chips quickly and efficiently. However, this approach is very resource intensive. For example, electronic design automation (EDA) tools can require several thousand CPU cores. This type of environment is also difficult to scale and manage — leaving a business vulnerable to performance spikes and project delays.

In light of this, many companies are now using the cloud. With the cloud, companies can dynamically scale their servers, cores, and memory. This allows them to develop chips concurrently and bring new designs to market at a faster pace. The cloud also helps avoid large expenditure, and allows companies to instantly scale to meet changing processing demands.

Up until recently, cloud migration has been somewhat slow in the semiconductor industry — with the biggest concern being the rise of third-party, on-premises IPs. Additional concerns include data security, cost, and performance. This is changing, with EPA, cloud, and software providers warming up to the cloud. More companies are starting to trust the cloud to handle the processing and resource-intensive chip design process.

This eBook covers the various ways designers can leverage Keysight’s leading design management platform in the cloud, leveraging Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.

Click here to read more.

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