Accelerating Adoption of SiC Power

Practical, ready-to-use SiC devices and circuit solutions for better, more efficient power systems.


The market has heard for many years about wide bandgap product roadmaps and concepts, touting that many possibilities could be available. However, you can’t design in a PowerPoint presentation or a preliminary datasheet, so this article will reinforce that Wolfspeed SiC power has moved way beyond any hype, talk, and fake news and has pioneered the widespread adoption of silicon carbide power devices in the customer base—today.

We showcase SiC devices that are widely used, and how they solve real issues: system-level examples adopted and working in the market—today.

The practical, real, and ready-to-use circuit solutions discussed will span watts to hundreds of kW. Each solution will highlight our commercially available, fully qualified SiC devices, proven within the market to enable significant value to systems with regards to efficiency, power density, and cost.

SiC is not in the future tense, it’s not just tomorrow’s possibility—with Wolfspeed SiC is all around, proven and here today.

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