AiP/AiM Design For mmWave Applications — Advanced RF Front-End Design Flows From Concept To Signoff

The challenge of antenna design and simulation as implemented with antenna-in-package (AiP) and antenna-in-module (AiM) advanced packaging technology.


System requirements for broad bandwidth, millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum, phased arrays, and integrated antennas and front-ends are evolving. The challenge for engineers will be achieving the cost, size, and performance requirements that will make these products commercially viable. All these factors align to drive next-generation component integration, which includes embedding the antenna within the RF front-end package or module.

The focus of this white paper is on the general challenge of antenna design and simulation as implemented with antenna-in-package (AiP) and antenna-in-module (AiM) advanced packaging technology as well as the software tools necessary for antenna, antenna array and feed structure, and front-end simulations. Two different aspects will be addressed: mmWave antenna module packaging and integration for base station and user equipment applications.

By David Vye, Cadence

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