
Attenuated Phase Shift Masks (attPSM) For EUV (Fraunhofer IISB)


New research paper titled “Attenuated phase shift masks: a wild card resolution enhancement for extreme ultraviolet lithography?,” from researchers at Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB (Germany).

Aim: “We review published research on attenuated phase shift masks (attPSM) for EUV with special emphasis on modeling and fundamental understanding of the imaging characteristics of alternative absorber materials. The overview on previous work is intended to summarize typical observations and learning on obtained results and to serve as a reference for further research on this important topic.”

Find the open access technical paper here. Published May 2022.

Andreas Erdmann, Hazem Mesilhy, Peter Evanschitzky, “Attenuated phase shift masks: a wild card resolution enhancement for extreme ultraviolet lithography?,” J. Micro/Nanopattern. Mats. Metro. 21(2) 020901 (11 May 2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JMM.21.2.020901.

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