Blog Review: Apr. 18

Emerging technologies; embedded tips; data breaches everywhere; new memory.


Cadence’s Meera Collier provides an overview of five emerging technologies that could drive the semiconductor industry in the future, from carbon nanotubes to quantum computing.

Mentor’s Colin Walls reminds embedded software developers of a few common sense tips, including better readability with braces in C/C++ and monitoring stack overflow.

Synopsys’ Tim Mackey rounds up the last few weeks of reported data breaches and why new EU privacy regulations means you should get ready for a lot more disclosures.

Lam Research’s Alex Yoon explains the array of new memory technologies, what differentiates them, and where manufacturing challenges lie.

Arm’s Timothy Duthie continues his tutorial on embedded software development for the Armv8-A architecture, this time with a focus on the architectural features of Exception level and Security state.

Rambus’ Aharon Etengoff notes that while cryptocurrencies are typically seen as speculative, companies in South Korea are making a push toward accepting them as payment in retail settings.

Sonics’ Greg Ehmann points to the importance one often overlooked network on a chip, the power supply network, and the aspects involved in getting it right.

Si2’s Marshall Tiner explains the organization’s OpenAccess program, it’s goals, and how it differs from the traditional concept of open source.

Samsung’s Anders Graham checks out the interplay of data centers, cloud providers, and AI in the demand for flash memory.

Nvidia’s Jamie Beckett notes that antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA is a dire problem in healthcare settings and computer simulation is helping figure out why.

Synopsys’ Melissa Kirschner profiles several women who pioneered cryptanalysis techniques at Bletchley Park during World War II.

In a podcast, Mentor’s John McMillan takes a look at the IoT and key technologies and products being developed for it.

Cadence’s Paul McLellan takes a look at the recent news of the ESD Alliance joining SEMI and what it means for the organization.

And don’t miss the blogs from last week’s Low Power-High Performance newsletter:

Editor In Chief Ed Sperling shows why previously competitive technologies and approaches will be required to change the power/performance equation.

Fraunhofer’s André Lange points to mechanisms that trigger future chip reliability issues.

Mentor’s Progyna Khondkar digs into static verification best practices.

Rambus’ Aharon Etengoff observes that it’s not just about the cloud and edge anymore, as a new layer of distributing computing closer to end devices picks up steam.

Arm’s John Hengveld argues that major transitions in technology are driven by simple changes in perspective.

Moortec’s Ramsay Allen explains why analysis of power consumption and IR drop should happen as part of the design, not at the end during verification.

Synopsys’ Ron DiGiuseppe focuses on the latest HDMI specification that supports uncompressed 8K and Dynamic HDR.

Cadence’s Pulin Desai finds that to keep up with growing vision processing requirements, new solutions are needed.

Helic’s Magdy Abadir and Anand Raman take a look at the issues that crop up when re-using IP and how to avoid them.

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