Hardware Trojan Inserted Inside A RISC-V Based Automotive Telematics Control Unit

A new technical paper titled "On the Feasibility of Remotely Triggered Automotive Hardware Trojans" was written by researchers at Georgia Tech. "In this paper, we discuss how Hardware Trojans can act as the physical access intermediates to allow the remote triggering of malicious payloads embedded in ECUs, through seemingly benign wireless communication. We demonstrate a proof of concept ECU... » read more

Locking-Based Design-For-Security Methodology To Prevent Piracy of RF transceiver ICs

A new technical paper titled "Anti-Piracy Design of RF Transceivers" was published by researchers at Sorbonne Universite (France). Abstract: "We present a locking-based design-for-security methodology to prevent piracy of RF transceiver integrated circuits. The solution is called SyncLock as it locks the synchronization of the transmitter with the receiver. If a key other than the secret ... » read more

More Efficient On-Chip Laser Frequency Comb (Harvard)

A new technical paper titled "High-efficiency and broadband on-chip electro-optic frequency comb generators" was published by researchers at Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, and Hyperlight. The research claims the electro-optic frequency device is 100% more efficient and has 2X the bandwidth of previous technology.    According to Harvard's news release, "the latest research applies the two con... » read more

Detailed RF Characterization of Ultra-Thin Indium Oxide Transistors

A new technical paper titled "Record RF Performance of Ultra-thin Indium Oxide Transistors with Buried-gate Structure" was published by researchers at Purdue University and won the 2022 Device Research Conference Best Student Paper Award (DRC 2022 held in June). According to this Purdue University news release, "In this work, the radio frequency (RF) performance of indium oxide transistors w... » read more

Synergies And Limitations Between Road Infrastructure And Automated Driving

This new technical paper titled "Road Infrastructure Challenges Faced by Automated Driving: A Review" was published by researchers at Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Zagreb (Croatia), AKKA I&S (France). Abstract "Automated driving can no longer be referred to as hype or science fiction but rather a technology that has been gradually introduced to the market. The recen... » read more

Advances In Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Hardware Architectures: Beyond 5G/6G

This technical paper titled "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless Communications: Overview of Hardware Designs, Channel Models, and Estimation Techniques" is from researchers at IEEE. The paper's abstract states "we overview and taxonomize the latest advances in RIS [reconfigurable intelligent surfaces] hardware architectures as well as the most recent developments in the modelin... » read more

Defending Against Message Injection Attacks in Vehicles

This technical paper titled "SAID: State-aware Defense Against Injection Attacks on In-vehicle Network" was presented by researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang University, and Texas A&M University at the USENIX Security Symposium in Boston in August 2022. Abstract: "Modern vehicles are equipped with many ECUs (Electronic Control Unit) that are connected to the IVN (... » read more

Reservoir Computing HW Based on a CMOS-Compatible FeFET

A new technical paper titled "Reservoir computing on a silicon platform with a ferroelectric field-effect transistor" was published by researchers at the University of Tokyo. Researchers report "reservoir computing hardware based on a ferroelectric field-effect transistor (FeFET) consisting of silicon and ferroelectric hafnium zirconium oxide. The rich dynamics originating from the ferroelec... » read more

OTA On-Chip Computing That Conquers A Bottleneck In Wired NoC Architectures

New research paper titled "Wireless On-Chip Communications for Scalable In-memory Hyperdimensional Computing" from researchers at IBM Research, Zurich Switzerland and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: "Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is an emerging computing paradigm that represents, manipulates, and communicates data using very long random vectors (aka hyp... » read more

Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors Using Hydrocarbon Seeds (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

New research paper titled "Graphene nanoribbons initiated from molecularly derived seeds" from researchers at University of Wisconsin-Madison with contributions from Argonne National Laboratory. Abstract "Semiconducting graphene nanoribbons are promising materials for nanoelectronics but are held back by synthesis challenges. Here we report that molecular-scale carbon seeds can be exploi... » read more

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