Display Landscape Heats Up At CES 2016

I was one of the 170,000+ people who attended the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this month and thought I’d share some observations; first, about the consumer technologies on exhibit, and second, about the topic closest to my heart, displays. To learn what technologies were trending, you don’t need to look any further than Intel CEO Brian Krzanich's keynote speech. ... » read more

Next Generation Technology For Flexible OLED Displays

By Max McDaniel James Xiao, vice president and general manager of the Display CVD & EPG Division, AKT, at Applied Materials, provides a high-level overview of new thin film encapsulation technology to enable the volume production of high-resolution, thin and lightweight flexible OLED displays for mobile products and TVs. He discusses the challenges for OLED manufacturing and how new technolo... » read more

Patterning Interconnects At 10nm And Below

By Connie Duncan Chip manufacturers today build billions of transistors on a chip, delivering incredible computing power to consumers. What often gets overlooked is how hard it’s getting to create the many miles of ultra-thin copper wiring used to connect each of the transistors. Patterning these electrical pathways is becoming increasingly challenging as they grow denser and finer, and any ... » read more

The Future Is Flexible

For the next installment in my display survey series, I will focus on advanced display technologies coming down the pipeline and how materials engineering solutions will enable tomorrow’s TVs and mobile devices to be flexible, bendable and foldable. [caption id="attachment_20529" align="alignnone" width="438"] Source: Samsung[/caption] I touched on this topic at the recent SID Display W... » read more

What Consumers Want In Their Displays

As a leading flat panel display equipment manufacturer driving the industry roadmap, Applied Materials recently commissioned an international survey of consumers in the U.S., China and India to solicit general attitudes and preferences for mobile displays and flat screen TVs. Since most new displays pass through Applied’s equipment during production to enable higher resolution and more powerf... » read more

Applied Materials And Tokyo Electron Unveil Eteris

By Kevin Winston Applied Materials and Tokyo Electron (TEL) achieved another important milestone, unveiling the name of our combined company—Eteris [pronounced: eh-TAIR-iss]. Tetsuro Higashi, chairman and CEO of TEL, and Gary Dickerson, president and CEO of Applied Materials, revealed the new company name and logo to an enthusiastic crowd assembled for Applied’s annual analyst briefing ... » read more

Revolutionizing Biotechnology

By Joseph Jeong and Tony Chao The Old English alphabet is generally regarded to have been invented around the 5th century. Literacy, however, at that time was mostly a privilege enjoyed by the upper elite class in the Western world. This all changed with the invention of the Gutenberg printing press around 1450, when literacy became democratized and available to laypeople. The printing press r... » read more

New Materials Era In Advanced Interconnects

By Kavita Shah Growth in semiconductors today is driven primarily by mobile applications and this demand continues to increase with no slowdown in sight. Supporting this trend, chipmakers continue adding smaller and faster transistors to chips to maintain the pace of Moore’s Law, and as a consequence copper wiring is being drastically scaled and densities increased. Today advanced chips c... » read more

Enabling Wearable Electronics In The Internet of Things (IoT) Era

As part of its growth focus for Applied Materials, the Office of the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) aims to do the following: Identify, incubate and commercialize growth opportunities in new and adjacent markets Build a culture of open innovation at Applied Materials Address market inflections and high value problems through differentiated solutions Shape the future of our growth mark... » read more

Lithography-Enabled Scaling Challenges

The semiconductor industry is being challenged as never before when it comes to lithography-enabled scaling. While development of new patterning techniques and resists as well as inspection and metrology capabilities have helped device scaling advance, major issues continue to challenge the future of Moore’s Law. There’s an industry shift from lithography-enabled 2D devices to materials-ena... » read more

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