
Controllable Interaction Between Two Hole Spin Qubits In A Conventional Silicon Transistor


A technical paper titled “Anisotropic exchange interaction of two hole-spin qubits” was published by researchers at University of Basel and IBM Research Europe-Zurich.


“Semiconductor spin qubits offer the potential to employ industrial transistor technology to produce large-scale quantum computers. Silicon hole spin qubits benefit from fast all-electrical qubit control and sweet spots to counteract charge and nuclear spin noise. However, the demonstration of a two-qubit interaction has remained an open challenge. One missing factor is an understanding of the exchange coupling in the presence of a strong spin-orbit interaction. Here we study two hole-spin qubits in a silicon fin field-effect transistor, the workhorse device of today’s semiconductor industry. We demonstrate electrical tunability of the exchange splitting from above 500 MHz to close-to-off and perform a conditional spin-flip in 24 ns. The exchange is anisotropic because of the spin-orbit interaction. Upon tunnelling from one quantum dot to the other, the spin is rotated by almost 180 degrees. The exchange Hamiltonian no longer has the Heisenberg form and can be engineered such that it enables two-qubit controlled rotation gates without a trade-off between speed and fidelity. This ideal behaviour applies over a wide range of magnetic field orientations, rendering the concept robust with respect to variations from qubit to qubit, indicating that it is a suitable approach for realizing a large-scale quantum computer.”

Find the technical paper here. Published May 2024.

Geyer, S., Hetényi, B., Bosco, S. et al. Anisotropic exchange interaction of two hole-spin qubits. Nat. Phys. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02481-5

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