How faster data movement can impact overall system performance.
Processor performance continues to improve exponentially, with more processor cores, parallel instructions, and specialized processing elements, but it is far outpacing improvements in bandwidth and memory. That gap, the so-called memory wall, has persisted throughout most of this century, but now it is becoming more pronounced. SRAM scaling is slowing at advanced nodes, which means SRAM takes up a proportionately larger amount of semiconductor real estate. On top of that, the rollout of AI nearly everywhere has dramatically increased the amount of data that needs to be processed, stored, and moved around inside a chip or package. There are no silver bullets here, but there are ways to shrink that gap. Ramin Farjadrad, CEO and co-founder of Eliyan, talks about how to achieve higher bandwidth and faster data movement, and how that can help reduce the memory bottleneck.
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