
HW Security: Fingerprints Of Digital Circuits Using Electromagnetic Side-Channel Sensing & Simulations (Georgia Tech)


A technical paper titled “Circuit Activity Fingerprinting Using Electromagnetic Side-Channel Sensing and Digital Circuit Simulations” was published by researchers at Georgia Tech.

The work “introduces a novel circuit identification method based on “fingerprints” of periodic circuit activity that does not rely on any circuit-specific reference measurements. We capture these “fingerprints”, consisting of fifty harmonics of the circuit activity, using digital circuit simulations and near-field measurements of the EM backscattering side-channel,” according to the paper.

Find the early access technical paper link here. November 2022.

A. S. Kacmarcik, P. Juyal, M. Prvulovic and A. Zajić, “Circuit Activity Fingerprinting Using Electromagnetic Side-Channel Sensing and Digital Circuit Simulations,” in IEEE Access, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3223998.

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