
Improving The Air-Stability and NBTI Reliability of BEOL CNFETs


A new technical paper titled “Overcoming Ambient Drift and Negative-Bias Temperature Instability in Foundry Carbon Nanotube Transistors” was published by researchers at MIT, Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University and Analog Devices.

“Back-end-of-line (BEOL) logic integration is emerging as a complementary scaling path to supplement front-end-of-line (FEOL) Silicon. Among various options for BEOL logic, Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors (CNFETs) have been integrated within commercial silicon foundries, and complex CNFET circuits (e.g., RISC-V core, SRAM arrays) have been demonstrated. However, there lacks comprehensive studies that analyze the ambient drift (i.e., air-stability) and reliability of CNFETs. Here, for the first time, we thoroughly characterize and demonstrate how to overcome ambient drift and negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) in CNFETs using the following techniques: (1) Silicon Nitride encapsulation to limit ambient atmosphere induced threshold voltage shift (~8x reduction of median VT shift over 90 days) and (2) AC/pulsed operation to significantly improve CNFET NBTI vs. DC operation across a wide frequency range (e.g., 20% duty cycle AC operation at 10 MHz could extend CNFET NBTI time-to-failure by >10000x vs. DC for a target VT shift tolerance < 100 mV with gate stress bias VGS,stress = -1.2 V at 125 C).”

Find the technical paper here. Preprint Sept 2024.

Authors: Andrew Yu, Tathagata Srimani, Max Shulaker
arXiv:2409.11297v1. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2409.11297

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