
Patterning Doping On Very Large Monolayer MoS2 (NREL)


A new technical paper titled “Spatially Precise Light-Activated Dedoping in Wafer-Scale MoS2 Films” was published by researchers at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and Renewable & Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI).

“In this work, we unravel the mechanism that drives PL* changes of MoS2 monolayers under laser illumination in ambient conditions. We demonstrate the critical role of the hole trap states within the oxide interface between the MoS2 and the substrate for driving stable and long lived dedoping in wafer scale monolayer MoS2, ” states the paper.


Find the technical paper here. October 2024.

D. GhoshalG. PaulS. SagarC. ShankL. A. HurleyN. HooperJ. TanK. BurnsJ. A. HachtelA. J. FergusonJ. L. BlackburnJ. van de LagemaatE. M. MillerSpatially Precise Light-Activated Dedoping in Wafer-Scale MoS2 FilmsAdv. Mater. 2024, 2409825. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202409825

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