
Reduce RowHammer Vulnerability By Reducing Wordline Voltage


Researchers from ETH Zurich present a new technical paper titled “Understanding RowHammer Under Reduced Wordline Voltage: An Experimental Study Using Real DRAM Devices.”

Abstract (Partial)

“This is the first work to experimentally demonstrate on 272 real DRAM chips that lowering VPP reduces a DRAM chip’s RowHammer vulnerability. We show that lowering VPP 1) increases the number of activate-precharge cycles needed to induce a RowHammer bit flip by up to 85.8% with an average of 7.4% across all tested chips and 2) decreases the RowHammer bit error rate by up to 66.9% with an average of 15.2% across all tested chips. At the same time, reducing VPP marginally worsens a DRAM cell’s access latency, charge restoration, and data retention time within the guardbands of system-level nominal timing parameters for 208 out of 272 tested chips. We conclude that reducing VPP is a promising strategy for reducing a DRAM chip’s RowHammer vulnerability without requiring modifications to DRAM chips.”

Find the technical paper here, presentation slides here and YouTube talk here (premieres 7/19/22).

Authors: A. Giray Yağlıkçı, Haocong Luo, Geraldo F. de Oliviera, Ataberk Olgun, Minesh Patel, Jisung Park, Hasan Hassan, Jeremie S. Kim, Lois Orosa, Onur Mutlu.


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