Replenishing The Grid With A SiC-Based Bi-Directional On-Board Charger

How a 6.6 kW bi-directional on-board charger with new 650 V SiC MOSFET has the smarts to play a critical role in the evolution of electric vehicles and the power grids that power them.


Range anxiety and charger availability have long been the main hurdles to the adoption of electric vehicles. But even as car makers have demonstrated their batteries can go longer distances and charging stations have proliferated, challenges with EV charging remain as well as opportunities to load balance power grids.

The migration to electric vehicles also means looking at how they can better interact with power grids. Not only are they being equipped with lighter, high power density batteries that can increase their range and potentially be used to support standalone loads, but there’s also been a shift toward on-board chargers that pull power from the grid and send it back to the grid to help replenish it.

Wolfspeed’s award-winning 6.6 kW Bi-Directional On-Board Charger (OBC), enabled by its new 650 V SiC MOSFET, has the smarts to play a critical role in the evolution of electric vehicles and the power grids that power them.

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