
Shift Register-In-Memory Architecture


A new technical paper titled “Toward Single-Cell Multiple-Strategy Processing Shift Register Powered by Phase-Change Memory Materials” was published by researchers at Singapore University of Technology and Design and University of Cambridge.

“Modern innovations are built on the foundation of computers. Compared to von Neumann architectures having separate storage and processing units, in-memory operation utilizes the same primary structure for data storage and register operations, therefore promising to decrease the energy cost of computing in data centers significantly. While various studies centered on exploring novel device architectures, designing suitable material platforms is extremely challenging. Herein, all four material (M) states of a phase-change material (PCM) in data storage and register operations are utilized and a combined M state-based model framework for developing in-memory operation is demonstrated, along with nonvolatile, reprogrammable single-cell shift register operations. A previously unachieved multiple-level-per-volt different-initial-state multilevel set process with further computing in the M state-based platform is realized. The simplest case of a programmable shift register configuration is demonstrated with a serial-in–serial-out processing strategy, as well as more complex reprogrammable processing schemes using the M state-type platform, showing previously unreported nonvolatile shift register types with multiple processing approaches. This paves the way for development of next-generation low-power-electronic systems using two-terminal-based semiconductor materials.”

Find the technical paper here. Published Jan. 2023. A summary news article can be found here.

Go, S., Wang, Q., Huang, K., Lee, T.H., Bajalovic, N. and Loke, D.K. (2023), Toward Single-Cell Multiple-Strategy Processing Shift Register Powered by Phase-Change Memory Materials. Adv. Intell. Syst. 2200353. https://doi.org/10.1002/aisy.202200353.

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