
Superconducting Material With Exceptional Tunability


A technical paper titled “Strain-switchable field-induced superconductivity” was published by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Washington, Argonne National Laboratory, Cornell University, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, and George Mason University.


“Field-induced superconductivity is a rare phenomenon where an applied magnetic field enhances or induces superconductivity. Here, we use applied stress as a control switch between a field-tunable superconducting state and a robust non-field-tunable state. This marks the first demonstration of a strain-tunable superconducting spin valve with infinite magnetoresistance. We combine tunable uniaxial stress and applied magnetic field on the ferromagnetic superconductor Eu(Fe0.88Co0.12)2As2 to shift the field-induced zero-resistance temperature between 4 K and a record-high value of 10 K. We use x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy measurements under stress and field to reveal that strain tuning of the nematic order and field tuning of the ferromagnetism act as independent control parameters of the superconductivity. Combining comprehensive measurements with DFT calculations, we propose that field-induced superconductivity arises from a novel mechanism, namely, the uniquely dominant effect of the Eu dipolar field when the exchange field splitting is nearly zero.”

Find the technical paper here. Published November 2023. Read this related news article from Argonne National Laboratory.

Joshua J. Sanchez et al., Strain-switchable field-induced superconductivity. Sci. Adv.9,eadj5200(2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj5200

Further Reading
The Race Toward Quantum Advantage
Several different technologies are in use for quantum computers, including trapped ion, spin, or quantum dots, and superconducting circuits.

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