Consolidation’s Aftermath

The recent spate of industry consolidation continues to have repercussions across the semiconductor industry. Some of those effects will subside once the deals are either approved or nixed by regulatory agencies. Others will raise questions for months or years to come. Consolidation is not a new trend in the semiconductor industry, but the pace and size of the acquisitions in the past year a... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 2

To celebrate ARM's 25th birthday, Neil Cooper teamed up with the Science Museum in London to feature 25 people or objects that were pivotal to the creation of modern technology. This week: James Clerk Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz. Ansys' Bill Vandermark delves deep into the oceans with energy-storing balloons and up to the sky on a diamond thread in his top technology and engineering articles ... » read more

The Challenge Of Fitting In

Connections between players in the semiconductor industry are becoming critical for survival. Whether the focus is a connected car, home automation, health care or the energy grid, each company in each of those markets relies on others to build useful products. There are several forces at work here. One is an emphasis on connecting everything, regardless of whether it is inside a single vert... » read more

The Week In Review: Design/IoT

NXP received all necessary regulatory approvals for the merger with Freescale, and the sale of its RF Power business to JAC Capital. The company now expects to close the merger on December 7. Synopsys introduced VIP to support the proposed IEEE P802.3bs/D1.0 Ethernet 400G standard. The VIP includes a native SystemVerilog UVM architecture, protocol-aware debug and source code test suites. ... » read more

Blog Review: Nov. 25

If you've been wanting to dig into deep learning, a new video by Cadence's Chris Rowen discusses the basic principles and how its used to build electronic systems capable of analyzing massive amounts of data, recognize patterns, and extract relevant info. Returning from Productronica, Mentor's Michael Ford discusses the show's booming attendance, the seemingly endless hype around Industry 4.... » read more

Handoff Points Getting Blurry

Whether driven by [getkc id="74" comment="Moore's Law"] or just sheer complexity, the way information is passed through the design and test flow is changing. For the past couple of process generations, there has been a concerted push by tool vendors and their customers to run more steps earlier in a flow, sometimes concurrently. While this so-called "shift left" helps to speed up software de... » read more

Hardware Models For Software

Shift left, while a relatively new term, has become important in all parts of the SoC design flow, but its impacts are wide ranging and many still ill defined. It basically means that tasks have to be started earlier than in the past because more accuracy is required from tasks that are further down in the flow in order to make better predictions. It also implies that more steps are performed c... » read more

A Better Way To Measure Heat

Are you an engineering manager with budget responsibility, concerned about the thermal performance of your company’s designs or manufactured products? Or, are you a senior engineer who is responsible for the thermal design or characterization of components and systems? In either situation, the results of using the transient thermal testing method would be of benefit to you. The method is non-... » read more

Major Growth For Knowledge Center

First, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of the Knowledge Center (KC) this year. Its traffic has increased by about 70% over last year and is now giving some of the editorial channels of Semiconductor Engineering a run for their money. The Knowledge Center has two major components. The first are the companies, standards groups and people that drive our indust... » read more

Top Articles For 2015 In SLD And LPHP

Knowing your readership is the first step in being able to serve them better, and judging by the traffic increases this year, we must be doing quite a few things right. We have now completed our second full year and the first full year for the Knowledge Center (KC). We are pleased with the way in which the two are playing together but there is still a lot of work ahead of and many holes to fill... » read more

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