RISC-V: Advanced Virtual Prototyping Solutions

New technical paper titled "Advanced virtual prototyping for cyber-physical systems using RISC-V: implementation, verification and challenges" from researchers at Institute of Computer Science, University of Bremen and Cyber-Physical Systems, DFKI GmbH. Abstract "Virtual prototypes (VPs) are crucial in today’s design flow. VPs are predominantly created in SystemC transaction-level modelin... » read more

The Challenges Of Incremental Verification

Verification consumes more time and resources than design, and yet little headway is being made to optimize it. The reasons are complex, and there are more questions than there are answers. For example, what is the minimum verification required to gain confidence in a design change? How can you minimize the cost of finding out that the change was bad, or that it had unintended consequences? ... » read more

Measuring The Complexity Of Processor Bugs To Improve Testbench Quality

I am often asked the question “When is the processor verification done?” or in other words “how do I measure the efficiency of my testbench and how can I be confident in the quality of the verification?” There is no easy answer. There are several common indicators used in the industry such as coverage and bug curve. While they are absolutely necessary, these are not enough to reach the ... » read more

Arm’s Input Qualification Methodology Using PowerPro

This white paper proposes a new automated input qualification methodology that Arm developed using Siemens EDA’s PowerPro software portfolio that performs various data integrity checks at the IC design build and prototype stage. This methodology ensures in quicker iterations that input data are high fidelity, leading to a well correlated power numbers. Should multiple iterations be necessary,... » read more

Reusing Verification Assertions as Security Checkers for Hardware Trojan Detection

Abstract "Globalization in the semiconductor industry enables fabless design houses to reduce their costs, save time, and make use of newer technologies. However, the offshoring of Integrated Circuit (IC) fabrication has negative sides, including threats such as Hardware Trojans (HTs) - a type of malicious logic that is not trivial to detect. One aspect of IC design that is not affected by g... » read more

Reliable DRC Voltage Text Annotation Means Faster And More Accurate DRC Verification

As the potential for complex interactions between voltage domains grows significantly with the increase in design density at each new process node, the complexity of spacing checks in design rule checking (DRC) also increases. To minimize these types of risk, many simple spacing checks have evolved to become voltage-aware DRC (VA-DRC) checks that incorporate voltage values to determine the requ... » read more

Automated DRC Voltage Annotation Provides Faster And More Accurate Verification For Voltage-Aware Spacing Rules

Accurate and repeatable reliability verification is now essential for both advanced node designs and the increasingly complex products being produced at established nodes. To ensure compliance with all process, reliability, and power management requirements, voltage-aware DRC applies variable spacing requirements, based on either the absolute voltage or delta voltage values, to accurately evalu... » read more

Interop Shift Left: Using Pre-Silicon Simulation for Emerging Standards

By Martin James, Gary Dick, and Arif Khan, Cadence with Suhas Pai and Brian Rea, Intel The Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) 2.0 specification, released in 2020, accompanies the latest PCI Express (PCIe) 5.0 specification to provide a path to high-bandwidth, cache-coherent, low-latency transport for many high-bandwidth applications such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, ... » read more

Verification Management For Aerospace And Defense

This executive brief presents the verification management digital thread. It demonstrates the value of integrated verification and certification for accelerating product delivery in the aerospace and defense industry. Read the brief to learn how you can certify products on schedule and within budget, eliminating the silos in your verification and certification activities. Aircraft certificat... » read more

EDA On Cloud Presents Unique Challenges

Discussions about cloud-based EDA tools are heating up for both hardware and software engineering projects, opening the door to vast compute resources that can be scaled up and down as needed. Still, not everyone is on board with this shift, and even companies that use the cloud don't necessarily want to use it for every aspect of chip design. But the number of cloud-based EDA tools is growi... » read more

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