Here At Last! Automated Verification Of Heterogeneous 2D/3D Package Connectivity

By Michael Walsh and Jin Hou with Todd Burkholder The heterogeneous integration of multiple ICs in a single package along with high-performance, high-bandwidth memory is critical for many high-performance computing applications. After everything has been heterogeneously integrated and packaged, such designs feature complex connectivity with many hundreds of thousands of connections, making i... » read more

PCIe 6.0 Address Translation Services: Verification Challenges And Strategies

Address Translation Services (ATS) is a mechanism in PCIe that allows devices to request address translations from the Input/Output Memory Management Unit (IOMMU). This is particularly important where devices need to access virtual memory. ATS enhances performance by enabling devices to cache translations, reducing the latency associated with memory access. This blog delves into the semantics ... » read more

NVMs: In-Memory Fine-Grained Integrity Verification Technique (Intel Labs, IISc)

A new technical paper titled "iMIV: in-Memory Integrity Verification for NVM" was published by researchers at Intel Labs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. Abstract "Non-volatile Memory (NVM) could bridge the gap between memory and storage. However, NVMs are susceptible to data remanence attacks. Thus, multiple security metadata must persist along with the data to protect th... » read more

Holistic Verification and Validation of Automotive IP for Functional Safety SoCs

Automotive functional safety systems have strict requirements to help avoid damages to life and property in case of a failure. As technology becomes more complex, there are increasing safety-related risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures that must be considered during product development. Standards like ISO 26262 provide guidance to mitigate such safety-related risks, by de... » read more

Verification Tools Straining To Keep Up

Verification engineers are the unsung heroes of the semiconductor industry, but they are at a breaking point and desperately in need of modern tools and flows to deal with the rapidly increasing pressures. Verification is no longer just about ensuring that functionality is faithfully represented in an implementation. That alone is an insolvable task, but verification has taken on many new re... » read more

Data Coherence Across Silos And Hierarchy

Shift left has become a rallying cry for the chip design industry, but unless coherent data can flow between the groups being impacted, the value may not be as great as expected. Shift left is a term that encompasses attempts to bring analysis and decision-making forward in the development process. The earlier an issue can be found, the less of a problem it ultimately becomes. But in many ca... » read more

An LLM Approach For Large-Scale SoC Security Verification And Policy Generation (U. of Florida)

A technical paper titled “SoCureLLM: An LLM-driven Approach for Large-Scale System-on-Chip Security Verification and Policy Generation” was published by researchers at the University of Florida. Abstract: "Contemporary methods for hardware security verification struggle with adaptability, scalability, and availability due to the increasing complexity of the modern system-on-chips (SoCs). ... » read more

Toward A Software-Defined Hardware World

Software-defined hardware may be the ultimate Shift Left approach as chip design grows closer to true co-design than ever with potential capacity baked into the hardware, and greater functionality delivered over the air or via a software update. This marks another advance in the quest for lower power, one that’s so revolutionary that it’s upending traditional ideas about model-based systems... » read more

Techniques To Identify Reset Metastability Due To Soft Resets

Modern SoCs are equipped with complex reset architectures to meet the requirements of high-speed interfaces with increased functionality. These complex reset architectures with multiple reset domains, ensure functional recovery from hardware failures and unexpected electronic faults. But the transmission of data across sequential elements that are reset by different asynchronous and soft reset ... » read more

Why IC Design Safety Nets Have Limits

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss different responsibilities in design teams and future changes in tools with Ashish Darbari, CEO at Axiomise; Ziyad Hanna, corporate vice president R&D at Cadence; Jim Henson, ASIC verification software product manager at Siemens EDA; Dirk Seynhaeve, vice president of business development at Sigasi; Simon Davidmann, formerly... » read more

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