The Uncertainty Of Certifying AI For Automotive

Nearly every new vehicle sold uses AI to make some decisions, but so far there is no consistency in what is being developed, where it is being used, and whether it is compatible with other vehicles on the road. This fragmentation is partially due to the fact that AI is still a nascent technology, and cars and trucks sold today may be significantly different than those that will be sold sever... » read more

The Drive Toward Zero Defects

The automotive semiconductor market has doubled twice in the past 20 years. But the next doubling will be even faster. While short-term results may vary, it is certain that auto semis will be much larger 10-20 years from now. Today, a gas-powered car has ~$400 of semiconductor content whereas the Tesla Model 3 with an electric powertrain and Advanced Driver Assist System (ADAS) has >4... » read more

Strategies For Meeting Stringent Standards For Automotive ICs

It may surprise you, but when it comes to chips in electronic braking systems, airbag control units, and more, automotive manufacturers are still using 10-year-old technology — and with good reason. For the automotive industry, the reliability, stability, and robustness of electronic components are critical, especially when it comes to meeting the stringent Automotive Electronics Council (... » read more

Meeting Automotive Functional Safety Requirements With GPIOs

Automotive OEMs are building advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to improve safety. ADAS systems must meet stringent performance, power, and cost requirements, so the system-on-chips (SoCs) that make up ADAS and passenger safety systems integrate advanced protocols and are built on leading edge finFET process technologies. Designers of this new class of ADAS SoCs are challenged to meet IS... » read more

Aging Problems At 5nm And Below

The mechanisms that cause aging in semiconductors have been known for a long time, but the concept did not concern most people because the expected lifetime of parts was far longer than their intended deployment in the field. In a short period of time, all of that has changed. As device geometries have become smaller, the issue has become more significant. At 5nm, it becomes an essential par... » read more

Sensing Automotive IC Failures

The sooner you detect a failure in any electronic system, the sooner you can act. Together, data analytics and on-chip sensors are poised to boost quality in auto chips and add a growing level of predictive maintenance for vehicles. The ballooning number of chips cars makes it difficult to reach 10 defective parts per billion for every IC that goes into a car.  And requiring that for a 15-y... » read more

What’s Holding Back Aging Simulation?

Aging simulation supplies information about the long-term behavior before an IC enters into production, providing an important early evaluation of the reliability required by the application and specification. Re-designs due to reliability issues, and over-design with excessive safety margins, are avoided in this way. In addition, the long-term stability can be demonstrated to the customer. ... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

AI/Edge The United States Department of Defense (DOD) has adopted ethical principles for using artificial intelligence in warfare that chiefly say the U.S. has to follow the laws, treaties, in use of AI in warfare. Any AI used by DOD has to be responsible, equitable, traceable, reliable and governable. “The Department will design and engineer AI capabilities to fulfill their intended functio... » read more

Electric Cars Gain Traction, But Challenges Remain

Battery-powered electric vehicles are expected to reach a milestone in terms of shipments in 2019, but the technology faces several significant hurdles to gain wider adoption in the market. Limited driving range, high costs, battery issues, and a spotty charging infrastructure are the main challenges for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). In addition, there are issues with various power semic... » read more

The Long And Detailed Road To Automotive Compliance

Compliance with automotive safety requirements is slowing down both innovation and participation by a flurry of startups as the whole ecosystem struggles to bring autonomous vehicles to reality. This is particularly onerous for chipmakers, which face a high bar for IC integrity and reliability. They must meet specifications and be free of design errors. Improper behavior in corner-case s... » read more

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