Scaling, Packaging, And Partitioning

Prior to the finFET era, most chipmakers either focused on shrinking or packaging, but they rarely did both. Going forward, the two will be inseparable, and that will lead to big challenges with partitioning of data and processing. The key driver here, of course, is that device scaling no longer provides appreciable benefits in power, performance and cost. Nevertheless, scaling does provide ... » read more

Co-Design For The AI Era

Welcome to the second piece in our blog series examining how the computing industry can work in new ways to enable the AI Era. In our first blog, my colleague Ellie Yieh described the enormous opportunities and challenges facing the industry as we enter a new decade, and she offered a path for accelerating innovation—from materials to systems—based on a “New Playbook” for driving im... » read more

Testing Autonomous Vehicles

Jeff Phillips, head of automotive marketing at National Instruments, talks about how to ensure that automotive systems are reliable and safe, how test needs to shift to adapt to continual updates and changes, and why this is particularly challenging in a world where there is no known right answer. » read more

Into The Cold And Darkness

The need for speed is limitless. There is far more data to process, and there is competition on a global scale to process it fastest and most efficiently. But how to achieve future revs of improvements will begin to look very different from the past. For one thing, the new criteria for that speed are frequently tied to a fixed or shrinking power budget. This is why many benchmarks these days... » read more

Engineering AI To Be Ethical By Design

I joined Arm because of its amazing people and world-class technology. But while I’m constantly excited by the possibilities of what we can achieve, as Arm’s General Counsel I must also consider the potential harm our designs might cause if they don’t perform in the way we expect, or were put to a use we did not intend. That dilemma comes to the forefront when I think about artificial... » read more

Defining And Improving AI Performance

Many companies are developing AI chips, both for training and for inference. Although getting the required functionality is important, many solutions will be judged by their performance characteristics. Performance can be measured in different ways, such as number of inferences per second or per watt. These figures are dependent on a lot of factors, not just the hardware architecture. The optim... » read more

MLPerf Benchmarks

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about the new MLPerf benchmark, what’s missing from the benchmark, and which ones are relevant to edge inferencing. » read more

Gaps Emerge In Test And Analytics

Sensor and process drift, increased design complexity, and continued optimization of circuitry throughout its lifetime are driving test and analytics in new directions, requiring a series of base comparisons against which equipment and processes can be measured. In the design world this type of platform is called a digital twin, but in the test world there is no equivalent today. And as more... » read more


Kurt Shuler, vice president of marketing at ArterisIP, explains how these two standards differ, which one works best where, and what each was designed for. » read more

Where Is The Edge AI Market And Ecosystem Headed?

Until recently, most AI was in datacenters and most was training. Things are changing quickly. Projections are AI sales will grow rapidly to $10s of billions by the mid 2020s, with most of the growth in Edge AI Inference. Edge inference applications Where is the Edge Inference market today? Let’s look at the markets from highest throughput to lowest. Edge Servers Recently Nvidia annou... » read more

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